Quickstart: How to add Azure Managed Domains to Email Communication Service

In this quick start, you learn how to provision the Azure Managed Domain to Email Communication Service in Azure Communication Services.


Azure Managed Domains compared to Custom Domains

Before provisioning an Azure Managed Domain, review the following table to decide which domain type best meets your needs.

Azure Managed Domains Custom Domains
Pros: - Setup is quick & easy
- No domain verification required
- Emails are sent from your own domain
Cons: - Sender domain is not personalized and cannot be changed
- Sender usernames can't be personalized
- Very limited sending volume
- User Engagement Tracking can't be enabled
- Requires verification of domain records
- Longer setup for verification

Provision Azure Managed Domain

  1. Open the Overview page of the Email Communications Service resource that you created in Get started with Creating Email Communication Resource.

  2. Create an Azure Managed Domain using one of the following options.

    • (Option 1) Click the 1-click add button under Add a free Azure subdomain. Continue to step 3.

    Screenshot that highlights the adding a free Azure Managed Domain.

    • (Option 2) Click Provision Domains on the left navigation panel.

    Screenshot that shows the Provision Domains navigation page.

    • Click Add domain on the upper navigation bar.
    • Select Azure domain from the dropdown.
  3. Wait for the deployment to complete.

    Screenshot that shows the Deployment Progress.

  4. Once the domain is created, you see a list view with the new domain.

    Screenshot that shows the list of provisioned email domains.

  5. Click the name of the provisioned domain to open the overview page for the domain resource type.

    Screenshot that shows Azure Managed Domain overview page.

Sender authentication for Azure Managed Domain

Azure Communication Services automatically configures the required email authentication protocols for the email as described in Email Authentication best practices.

Your email domain is now ready to send emails.

Next steps