Tutorial: How to add Augmented Reality filters to your video calls


DeepAR SDK is third-party software which is licensed under its own terms. Microsoft does not make any representations or warranties concerning the use of third-party software.

In some usage scenarios, you may want to apply some video processing to the original camera video, such as background blur or background replacement. This can provide a better user experience. The Azure Communication Calling video effects package provides several video processing functions. However, this isn't the only choice. You can also integrate other video effects library with ACS raw media access API.

We'll use DeepAR SDK(https://www.deepar.ai/) as an example to show how to integrate other effects libraries with ACS Calling SDK. Let's try DeepAR to enrich your video with Augmented Reality!


How video input and output work between ACS Web SDK and DeepAR

Both ACS Web SDK and DeepAR can read the camera device list and get the video stream directly from the device. We want to provide consistency in the app, and DeepAR SDK provides a way for us to directly input a video stream acquired from ACS Web SDK. Similarly, ACS Web SDK needs the processed video stream output from DeepAR SDK and sends this video stream to the remote endpoint. DeepAR offers the option to use a canvas as an output. ACS Web SDK can consume the raw video stream captured from the canvas.

Here's the data flow:

The diagram of data flow between ACS SDK and DeepAR SDK.

Initialize DeepAR SDK

To enable DeepAR filters, you need to initialize DeepAR SDK, this can be done by invoking deepar.initialize API.

const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const deepAR = await deepar.initialize({
    licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',
    canvas: canvas,
    additionalOptions: {
        cameraConfig: {
            disableDefaultCamera: true

Here we disable the default camera because we want ACS Web SDK to provide the source video stream. The canvas is required as this provides a way for ACS Web SDK to consume the video output from DeepAR SDK.

Connect the input and output

To start a video call, you need to create a LocalVideoStream object as the video input in SDK.

const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager();
const cameras = await deviceManager.getCameras();
const camera = cameras[0]
const localVideoStream = new LocalVideoStream(camera);
await call.startVideo(localVideoStream);

By doing this, ACS SDK directly sends out the video from camera without processed by DeepAR. We need to create a path to forward the video acquired from ACS SDK to DeepAR SDK.

const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager();
const cameras = await deviceManager.getCameras();
const camera = cameras[0]
const inputVideoStream = new LocalVideoStream(camera);
const inputMediaStream = await inputVideoStream.getMediaStream();
const video = document.createElement('video');
const videoResizeCallback = () => {
    canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
    canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
video.addEventListener('resize', videoResizeCallback);
video.autoplay = true;
video.srcObject = inputMediaStream;
deepAR.setVideoElement(video, true);

Now we have finished configuring the input video. To configure the output video, we need another LocalVideoStream.

const outputMediaStream = canvas.captureStream(30);
const outputVideoStream = new LocalVideoStream(outputMediaStream);
await call.startVideo(outputVideoStream);

Start the effect

In DeepAR, effects and background processing are independent, which means you can apply the filter while enabling the background blur or background replacement.

// apply the effect
await deepAR.switchEffect('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/deepar/effects/lion');
// enable the background blur
await deepAR.backgroundBlur(true, 8);

Screenshot of the video effect.

Stop the effect

If you want to stop the effect, you can invoke deepar.clearEffect API

await deepAR.clearEffect();

To disable the background blur, you can pass false to deepar.backgroundBlur API.

Disable DeepAR during the video call

In case you want to disable DeepAR during the video call. You need to call deepar.stopVideo. Invoking deepar.stopVideo also ends the current media stream captured from the canvas.

await outputVideoStream.switchSource(cameras[0]);
await deepAR.stopVideo();

Next steps

For more information, see the following articles: