AdventureWorks template documentation

This document explains how to setup and use Microsoft's AdventureWorks pipeline template to jump start the exploration of the AdventureWorks dataset using Azure Synapse Analytics and the Retail database template.


AdventureWorks is a fictional sports equipment retailer that is used to demo Microsoft applications. In this case, they're being used as an example for how to use Synapse Pipelines to map retail data to the Retail database template for further analysis within Azure Synapse.


Find the template

Follow these steps to locate the template.

  1. Navigate to your Synapse workspace. From the home page, select Knowledge Center and then select Browse gallery. The Synapse gallery opens. You can search for datasets, scripts, pipelines, and more to install in your workspace.

  2. Select Pipelines, and filter the results with the keyword "AdventureWorks."

  3. Select the AdventureWorks template, and then select Continue.

These steps open the template overview page.

Configure the template

The template is designed to require minimal configuration. From the template overview page you can see a preview of the initial starting configuration of the pipeline, and select Open pipeline to create the resources in your own workspace. You'll get a notification that all 31 resources in the template have been created, and can review these before committing or publishing them. You'll find the below components of the template:

  • 17 pipelines: These are scheduled to ensure the data loads into the target tables correctly, and include one pipeline per source table plus the scheduling ones.
  • 14 data flows: These contain the logic to load from the source system and land the data into the target database.

If you have the AdventureWorks dataset loaded into a different database, you can update the dataflow sources to point to that dataset. Otherwise, follow the steps below to create a source and target DB to match the schema defined in the template.

Dataset and source/target models

The AdventureWorks dataset in Excel format can be downloaded from this GitHub site. In addition, you can access the schema definition for both the source and target databases. Using the database designer in Synapse, recreate the source and target databases with the schema in the Excel you downloaded earlier. For more information on the database designer, see this documentation.

With the databases created, ensure the dataflows are pointing to the correct tables by editing the dropdowns in the Workspace DB source and sink settings. You can load the data into the source model by placing the CSV files provided in the example dataset in the correct folders specified by the tables. Once that is done, all that's required is to run the pipelines.

Troubleshoot the pipelines

If the pipeline fails to run successfully, there's a few main things to check for errors.

  • Dataset schema. Make sure the data settings for the CSV files are accurate. If you included row headers, make sure the row headers option is checked on the database table.
  • Data flow sources. If you used different column or table names than what were provided in the example schema, you'll need to step through the data flows to verify that the columns are mapped correctly.
  • Data flow sink. The schema and data format configurations on the target database will need to match the data flow template. Like above, if any changes were made you those items will need to be aligned.