Configure Google Firebase settings for a notification hub in the Azure portal

This article shows you how to configure Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) settings for an Azure notification hub using the Azure portal.


As of June 2024, FCM legacy APIs will no longer be supported and will be retired. To avoid any disruption in your push notification service, you must migrate to the FCM v1 protocol as soon as possible.


If you haven't already created a notification hub, create one now. For more information, see Create an Azure notification hub in the Azure portal.

Configure Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

The following procedure describes the steps to configure Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) settings for a notification hub:

  1. In the Azure portal, on the Notification Hub page, select Google (GCM/FCM) on the left menu.

  2. Paste the API Key for the FCM project that you saved earlier.

  3. Select Save.

    Screenshot that shows how to configure Notification Hubs for Google FCM

Next steps

For a tutorial with step-by-step instructions for sending notifications to Android devices by using Azure Notification Hubs and Google Firebase Cloud Messaging, see Send push notifications to Android devices by using Notification Hubs and Google FCM.