Quickstart: Step-by-step instructions to create a new HoloLens Unity app using Azure Object Anchors

This quickstart will show you how to create a new HoloLens Unity app with Azure Object Anchors. Azure Object Anchors is a managed cloud service that converts 3D assets into AI models that enable object-aware mixed reality experiences for the HoloLens. When you're finished, you'll have a HoloLens app built with Unity that can detect objects in the physical world.


To complete this quickstart, make sure you have:

Getting started

We'll first set up our project and Unity scene:

  1. Start Unity Hub.
  2. Select New, picking Unity 2020.3.8f1 or newer.
  3. Ensure 3D is selected.
  4. Name your project and enter a save Location.
  5. Select Create.
  6. Once Unity Editor opens up, save the empty default scene to a new file using: File > Save As.
  7. Select the Scenes folder, name the new scene Main, and press the Save button.

Configure as UWP

  1. Select File -> Building Settings.
  2. Select Universal Windows Platform and then select Switch Platform.
  3. If Unity Editor says you need to download some components first, download and install them.

Install Mixed Reality Feature Tool feature packages

  1. Follow the Mixed Reality Feature Tool documentation to set up the tool and learn how to use it.
  2. Under the Platform Support section, install the Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin feature package, version 1.0.0 or newer, into the Unity project folder.
  3. Under the Azure Mixed Reality Services section, install the Microsoft Azure Object Anchors feature package, into the Unity project folder.
  4. Go back to your Unity Editor. It might take a few minutes, while the Mixed Reality Feature Tool feature packages are installed.
  5. You'll see a dialog asking for confirmation to enable the new input system.
  6. Select the Yes button.
  7. Once the install process completes, Unity will restart automatically.

Configure OpenXR

  1. You should still be inside the Build Settings window.
  2. Select the Player settings... button.
  3. The Project Settings window will open up.
  4. Select the XR Plug-in Management entry.
  5. Follow the Configuring XR Plugin Management for OpenXR documentation to set up the OpenXR with Microsoft HoloLens feature set in the Plug-in Providers list.

Set capabilities

  1. You should still be inside the Project Settings window.
  2. Select the Player entry.
  3. In the Inspector Panel for Player Settings, ensure the Universal Windows Platform settings icon is selected.
  4. In the Publishing Settings Capabilities section, ensure that InternetClientServer, WebCam, and SpatialPerception are selected.

Set up the project settings

  1. You should still be inside the Project Settings window.
  2. Select the Quality entry.
  3. In the column under the Universal Windows Platform logo, select on the arrow at the Default row and select Very Low. You'll know the setting is applied correctly when the box in the Universal Windows Platform column and Very Low row is green.
  4. Close the Project Settings and the Build Settings windows.
  5. Follow the Optimization documentation to apply the recommended project settings for HoloLens 2.

Set up the main virtual camera

  1. In the Hierarchy pane, select Main Camera.
  2. In the Inspector, set its transform position to 0,0,0.
  3. Find the Clear Flags property, and change the dropdown from Skybox to Solid Color.
  4. Select the Background field to open the color picker.
  5. Set R, G, B, and A to 0.
  6. Change the Clipping Planes Near property to 0.1.
  7. Select Add Component and search for and add the Tracked Pose Driver.
  8. Select File > Save.

Trying it out

To test out that everything is working, build your app in Unity and deploy it from Visual Studio. Follow Chapter 6 from the MR Basics 100: Getting started with Unity course to do so. You should see the Unity start screen, and then a clear display.

Create your script

  1. In the Project pane, create a new folder, Scripts, under the Assets folder.
  2. Right-click on the folder, then select Create >, C# Script. Name it ObjectSearch.
  3. Go to GameObject -> Create Empty.
  4. Select it, and in the Inspector rename it from GameObject to Object Observer.
  5. Select Add Component and search for and add the ObjectSearch script.
  6. Select File > Save.

Start implementing your app

You're ready to start adding your own code to the ObjectSearch script, using the Object Anchors Runtime SDK. You can reference the SDK overview as a starting point to learn the basics, and use some of the sample code to try it out.

Next steps