Quickstart: Upgrade Quickstart app to Unity 2020

In this quickstart, you upgrade a Unity HoloLens app that uses Azure Object Anchors from Unity 2019 to Unity 2020. Azure Object Anchors is a managed cloud service that converts 3D assets into AI models that enable object-aware mixed reality experiences for the HoloLens. When you finish, you'll have a HoloLens app built with Unity that can detect objects in the physical world.

You'll learn how to:

  • Upgrade the app from Unity 2019 to Unity 2020.
  • Upgrade package dependencies.
  • Update Unity build settings.


To complete this quickstart, make sure you have:

Open and upgrade the sample project

Follow the steps from either the Unity HoloLens or the Unity HoloLens with MRTK quickstarts to clone the samples repository, and download the Azure Object Anchors package for Unity.

  1. Open Unity Hub. Select Add and pick either the quickstarts/apps/unity/basic or the quickstarts/apps/unity/mrtk project.

  2. Under the Unity Version column, select the version of Unity 2020 in the dropdown that you've installed on your computer.

  3. Under the Target Platform column, select Universal Windows Platform.

  4. Select the Project Name column and open the sample in Unity.

    Screenshot shows a Unity page with Unity Version, Target Platform and ADD highlighted.

    You'll see a dialog asking for confirmation to upgrade your project. Select the Confirm button.

    Screenshot shows a dialog confirming the upgrade with Confirm selected.

Upgrade package dependencies

Once the upgrade process completes, Unity Editor opens.

  1. Follow the Mixed Reality Feature Tool documentation to set up the tool and learn how to use it.

  2. Under Platform Support, install the Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin feature package, version 1.0.0 or newer, into the Unity project folder.

  3. If you're working with the quickstarts/apps/unity/mrtk project, also open the Mixed Reality Toolkit section, locate the Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation and Mixed Reality Toolkit Tools feature packages, and upgrade them to version 2.7.0 or newer.

  4. Go back to your Unity Editor. It might take a few minutes, while the Mixed Reality Feature Tool feature packages are installed.

    You'll see a dialog asking for confirmation to enable the new input system. Select Yes.

    Screenshot shows a dialog that contains a warning with the Yes button highlighted.

    If you get a dialog asking you to overwrite MRTK shaders, select Yes.

    Screenshot shows the Mixed Reality Toolkit Standard Assets dialog.

Once the install process completes, Unity restarts automatically.

Update configuration settings

Back in Unity Editor, follow the Configuring XR Plugin Management for OpenXR documentation to set up the XR Plugin Management in your Project Settings. Then, follow the Optimization documentation to apply the recommended project settings for HoloLens 2.

Update MRTK settings

If you're working with the quickstarts/apps/unity/mrtk project, follow the steps below to adjust MRTK. Otherwise, skip to Build, deploy, and run the app.

  1. In Unity Editor, navigate to Assets/MixedReality.AzureObjectAnchors/Scenes, and open AOASampleScene. Under the Hierarchy pane, select MixedRealityToolkit.

    Screenshot shows the Unity Editor with the MixedRealityToolkit highlighted.

  2. Under the Inspector pane, select Camera, and change the profile from ObsoleteXRSDKCameraProfile to DefaultMixedRealityCameraProfile.

    Screenshot shows the Unity Editor with Camera and DefaultMixedRealityCameraProfile highlighted.

  3. Still in the Inspector pane, select Input, and expand the Input Data Providers dropdown list. Follow the Configuring MRTK for the XR SDK pipeline documentation to set up the proper input data providers: OpenXRDeviceManager and WindowsMixedRealityDeviceManager.

    Screenshot shows the Unity Editor with Input and Input Data Providers highlighted.

Build, deploy, and run the app

Your project is now fully upgraded to Unity 2020. Follow the instructions from either the Unity HoloLens or the Unity HoloLens with MRTK quickstarts to build, deploy, and run the app.

Next steps