Microsoft.DeploymentManager serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits

Bicep resource definition

The serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits@2019-11-01-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    artifacts: {
      parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath: 'string'
      parametersUri: 'string'
      templateArtifactSourceRelativePath: 'string'
      templateUri: 'string'
    deploymentMode: 'string'
    targetResourceGroup: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: services
properties The properties that define the service unit. ServiceUnitResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
artifacts The artifacts for the service unit. ServiceUnitArtifacts
deploymentMode Describes the type of ARM deployment to be performed on the resource. 'Complete'
'Incremental' (required)
targetResourceGroup The Azure Resource Group to which the resources in the service unit belong to or should be deployed to. string (required)


Name Description Value
parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM parameters file relative to the artifact source. string
parametersUri The full URI of the ARM parameters file with the SAS token. string
templateArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM template file relative to the artifact source. string
templateUri The full URI of the ARM template file with the SAS token. string

ARM template resource definition

The serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits",
  "apiVersion": "2019-11-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "artifacts": {
      "parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath": "string",
      "parametersUri": "string",
      "templateArtifactSourceRelativePath": "string",
      "templateUri": "string"
    "deploymentMode": "string",
    "targetResourceGroup": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits'
apiVersion The resource api version '2019-11-01-preview'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties The properties that define the service unit. ServiceUnitResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
artifacts The artifacts for the service unit. ServiceUnitArtifacts
deploymentMode Describes the type of ARM deployment to be performed on the resource. 'Complete'
'Incremental' (required)
targetResourceGroup The Azure Resource Group to which the resources in the service unit belong to or should be deployed to. string (required)


Name Description Value
parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM parameters file relative to the artifact source. string
parametersUri The full URI of the ARM parameters file with the SAS token. string
templateArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM template file relative to the artifact source. string
templateUri The full URI of the ARM template file with the SAS token. string

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource type can be deployed to:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits@2019-11-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      artifacts = {
        parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath = "string"
        parametersUri = "string"
        templateArtifactSourceRelativePath = "string"
        templateUri = "string"
      deploymentMode = "string"
      targetResourceGroup = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.DeploymentManager/serviceTopologies/services/serviceUnits@2019-11-01-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: services
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties The properties that define the service unit. ServiceUnitResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
artifacts The artifacts for the service unit. ServiceUnitArtifacts
deploymentMode Describes the type of ARM deployment to be performed on the resource. "Complete"
"Incremental" (required)
targetResourceGroup The Azure Resource Group to which the resources in the service unit belong to or should be deployed to. string (required)


Name Description Value
parametersArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM parameters file relative to the artifact source. string
parametersUri The full URI of the ARM parameters file with the SAS token. string
templateArtifactSourceRelativePath The path to the ARM template file relative to the artifact source. string
templateUri The full URI of the ARM template file with the SAS token. string