Microsoft.BotService botServices 2021-05-01-preview

Bicep resource definition

The botServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.BotService/botServices resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.BotService/botServices@2021-05-01-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  sku: {
    name: 'string'
  kind: 'string'
  etag: 'string'
  properties: {
    allSettings: {}
    appPasswordHint: 'string'
    cmekKeyVaultUrl: 'string'
    description: 'string'
    developerAppInsightKey: 'string'
    developerAppInsightsApiKey: 'string'
    developerAppInsightsApplicationId: 'string'
    disableLocalAuth: bool
    displayName: 'string'
    endpoint: 'string'
    iconUrl: 'string'
    isCmekEnabled: bool
    isStreamingSupported: bool
    luisAppIds: [
    luisKey: 'string'
    manifestUrl: 'string'
    msaAppId: 'string'
    msaAppMSIResourceId: 'string'
    msaAppTenantId: 'string'
    msaAppType: 'string'
    openWithHint: 'string'
    parameters: {}
    publicNetworkAccess: 'string'
    publishingCredentials: 'string'
    schemaTransformationVersion: 'string'
    storageResourceId: 'string'
    tenantId: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 2-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.

Resource name must be unique across Azure.
location Specifies the location of the resource. string
tags Contains resource tags defined as key/value pairs. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
sku Gets or sets the SKU of the resource. Sku
kind Required. Gets or sets the Kind of the resource. 'azurebot'
etag Entity Tag string
properties The set of properties specific to bot resource BotProperties


Name Description Value
allSettings Contains resource all settings defined as key/value pairs. object
appPasswordHint The hint (e.g. keyVault secret resourceId) on how to fetch the app secret string
cmekKeyVaultUrl The CMK Url string
description The description of the bot string
developerAppInsightKey The Application Insights key string
developerAppInsightsApiKey The Application Insights Api Key string
developerAppInsightsApplicationId The Application Insights App Id string
disableLocalAuth Opt-out of local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. bool
displayName The Name of the bot string (required)
endpoint The bot's endpoint string (required)
iconUrl The Icon Url of the bot string
isCmekEnabled Whether Cmek is enabled bool
isStreamingSupported Whether the bot is streaming supported bool
luisAppIds Collection of LUIS App Ids string[]
luisKey The LUIS Key string
manifestUrl The bot's manifest url string
msaAppId Microsoft App Id for the bot string (required)
msaAppMSIResourceId Microsoft App Managed Identity Resource Id for the bot string
msaAppTenantId Microsoft App Tenant Id for the bot string
msaAppType Microsoft App Type for the bot 'MultiTenant'
openWithHint The hint to browser (e.g. protocol handler) on how to open the bot for authoring string
parameters Contains resource parameters defined as key/value pairs. object
publicNetworkAccess Whether the bot is in an isolated network 'Disabled'
publishingCredentials Publishing credentials of the resource string
schemaTransformationVersion The channel schema transformation version for the bot string
storageResourceId The storage resourceId for the bot string
tenantId The Tenant Id for the bot string


Name Description Value
name The sku name 'F0'
'S1' (required)

ARM template resource definition

The botServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.BotService/botServices resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices",
  "apiVersion": "2021-05-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "sku": {
    "name": "string"
  "kind": "string",
  "etag": "string",
  "properties": {
    "allSettings": {},
    "appPasswordHint": "string",
    "cmekKeyVaultUrl": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "developerAppInsightKey": "string",
    "developerAppInsightsApiKey": "string",
    "developerAppInsightsApplicationId": "string",
    "disableLocalAuth": "bool",
    "displayName": "string",
    "endpoint": "string",
    "iconUrl": "string",
    "isCmekEnabled": "bool",
    "isStreamingSupported": "bool",
    "luisAppIds": [ "string" ],
    "luisKey": "string",
    "manifestUrl": "string",
    "msaAppId": "string",
    "msaAppMSIResourceId": "string",
    "msaAppTenantId": "string",
    "msaAppType": "string",
    "openWithHint": "string",
    "parameters": {},
    "publicNetworkAccess": "string",
    "publishingCredentials": "string",
    "schemaTransformationVersion": "string",
    "storageResourceId": "string",
    "tenantId": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.BotService/botServices'
apiVersion The resource api version '2021-05-01-preview'
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 2-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.

Resource name must be unique across Azure.
location Specifies the location of the resource. string
tags Contains resource tags defined as key/value pairs. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
sku Gets or sets the SKU of the resource. Sku
kind Required. Gets or sets the Kind of the resource. 'azurebot'
etag Entity Tag string
properties The set of properties specific to bot resource BotProperties


Name Description Value
allSettings Contains resource all settings defined as key/value pairs. object
appPasswordHint The hint (e.g. keyVault secret resourceId) on how to fetch the app secret string
cmekKeyVaultUrl The CMK Url string
description The description of the bot string
developerAppInsightKey The Application Insights key string
developerAppInsightsApiKey The Application Insights Api Key string
developerAppInsightsApplicationId The Application Insights App Id string
disableLocalAuth Opt-out of local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. bool
displayName The Name of the bot string (required)
endpoint The bot's endpoint string (required)
iconUrl The Icon Url of the bot string
isCmekEnabled Whether Cmek is enabled bool
isStreamingSupported Whether the bot is streaming supported bool
luisAppIds Collection of LUIS App Ids string[]
luisKey The LUIS Key string
manifestUrl The bot's manifest url string
msaAppId Microsoft App Id for the bot string (required)
msaAppMSIResourceId Microsoft App Managed Identity Resource Id for the bot string
msaAppTenantId Microsoft App Tenant Id for the bot string
msaAppType Microsoft App Type for the bot 'MultiTenant'
openWithHint The hint to browser (e.g. protocol handler) on how to open the bot for authoring string
parameters Contains resource parameters defined as key/value pairs. object
publicNetworkAccess Whether the bot is in an isolated network 'Disabled'
publishingCredentials Publishing credentials of the resource string
schemaTransformationVersion The channel schema transformation version for the bot string
storageResourceId The storage resourceId for the bot string
tenantId The Tenant Id for the bot string


Name Description Value
name The sku name 'F0'
'S1' (required)

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The botServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.BotService/botServices resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.BotService/botServices@2021-05-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      allSettings = {}
      appPasswordHint = "string"
      cmekKeyVaultUrl = "string"
      description = "string"
      developerAppInsightKey = "string"
      developerAppInsightsApiKey = "string"
      developerAppInsightsApplicationId = "string"
      disableLocalAuth = bool
      displayName = "string"
      endpoint = "string"
      iconUrl = "string"
      isCmekEnabled = bool
      isStreamingSupported = bool
      luisAppIds = [
      luisKey = "string"
      manifestUrl = "string"
      msaAppId = "string"
      msaAppMSIResourceId = "string"
      msaAppTenantId = "string"
      msaAppType = "string"
      openWithHint = "string"
      parameters = {}
      publicNetworkAccess = "string"
      publishingCredentials = "string"
      schemaTransformationVersion = "string"
      storageResourceId = "string"
      tenantId = "string"
    sku = {
      name = "string"
    kind = "string"
    etag = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.BotService/botServices@2021-05-01-preview"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 2-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.

Resource name must be unique across Azure.
location Specifies the location of the resource. string
parent_id To deploy to a resource group, use the ID of that resource group. string (required)
tags Contains resource tags defined as key/value pairs. Dictionary of tag names and values.
sku Gets or sets the SKU of the resource. Sku
kind Required. Gets or sets the Kind of the resource. "azurebot"
etag Entity Tag string
properties The set of properties specific to bot resource BotProperties


Name Description Value
allSettings Contains resource all settings defined as key/value pairs. object
appPasswordHint The hint (e.g. keyVault secret resourceId) on how to fetch the app secret string
cmekKeyVaultUrl The CMK Url string
description The description of the bot string
developerAppInsightKey The Application Insights key string
developerAppInsightsApiKey The Application Insights Api Key string
developerAppInsightsApplicationId The Application Insights App Id string
disableLocalAuth Opt-out of local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. bool
displayName The Name of the bot string (required)
endpoint The bot's endpoint string (required)
iconUrl The Icon Url of the bot string
isCmekEnabled Whether Cmek is enabled bool
isStreamingSupported Whether the bot is streaming supported bool
luisAppIds Collection of LUIS App Ids string[]
luisKey The LUIS Key string
manifestUrl The bot's manifest url string
msaAppId Microsoft App Id for the bot string (required)
msaAppMSIResourceId Microsoft App Managed Identity Resource Id for the bot string
msaAppTenantId Microsoft App Tenant Id for the bot string
msaAppType Microsoft App Type for the bot "MultiTenant"
openWithHint The hint to browser (e.g. protocol handler) on how to open the bot for authoring string
parameters Contains resource parameters defined as key/value pairs. object
publicNetworkAccess Whether the bot is in an isolated network "Disabled"
publishingCredentials Publishing credentials of the resource string
schemaTransformationVersion The channel schema transformation version for the bot string
storageResourceId The storage resourceId for the bot string
tenantId The Tenant Id for the bot string


Name Description Value
name The sku name "F0"
"S1" (required)