Microsoft.Media mediaservices/liveEvents

Bicep resource definition

The mediaservices/liveEvents resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents@2022-08-01' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    crossSiteAccessPolicies: {
      clientAccessPolicy: 'string'
      crossDomainPolicy: 'string'
    description: 'string'
    encoding: {
      encodingType: 'string'
      keyFrameInterval: 'string'
      presetName: 'string'
      stretchMode: 'string'
    hostnamePrefix: 'string'
    input: {
      accessControl: {
        ip: {
          allow: [
              address: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              subnetPrefixLength: int
      accessToken: 'string'
      endpoints: [
          protocol: 'string'
          url: 'string'
      keyFrameIntervalDuration: 'string'
      streamingProtocol: 'string'
    preview: {
      accessControl: {
        ip: {
          allow: [
              address: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              subnetPrefixLength: int
      alternativeMediaId: 'string'
      endpoints: [
          protocol: 'string'
          url: 'string'
      previewLocator: 'string'
      streamingPolicyName: 'string'
    streamOptions: [
    transcriptions: [
        inputTrackSelection: [
            operation: 'string'
            property: 'string'
            value: 'string'
        language: 'string'
        outputTranscriptionTrack: {
          trackName: 'string'
    useStaticHostname: bool

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)

Character limit: 1-32

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: mediaservices
properties The live event properties. LiveEventProperties


Name Description Value
crossSiteAccessPolicies Live event cross site access policies. CrossSiteAccessPolicies
description A description for the live event. string
encoding Encoding settings for the live event. It configures whether a live encoder is used for the live event and settings for the live encoder if it is used. LiveEventEncoding
hostnamePrefix When useStaticHostname is set to true, the hostnamePrefix specifies the first part of the hostname assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. The final hostname would be a combination of this prefix, the media service account name and a short code for the Azure Media Services data center. string
input Live event input settings. It defines how the live event receives input from a contribution encoder. LiveEventInput (required)
preview Live event preview settings. Preview allows live event producers to preview the live streaming content without creating any live output. LiveEventPreview
streamOptions The options to use for the LiveEvent. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The valid values for the array entry values are 'Default' and 'LowLatency'. String array containing any of:
transcriptions Live transcription settings for the live event. See for more information about the live transcription feature. LiveEventTranscription[]
useStaticHostname Specifies whether a static hostname would be assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. This value can only be updated if the live event is in Standby state bool


Name Description Value
clientAccessPolicy The content of clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Silverlight. string
crossDomainPolicy The content of crossdomain.xml used by Silverlight. string


Name Description Value
encodingType Live event type. When encodingType is set to PassthroughBasic or PassthroughStandard, the service simply passes through the incoming video and audio layer(s) to the output. When encodingType is set to Standard or Premium1080p, a live encoder transcodes the incoming stream into multiple bitrates or layers. See for more information. This property cannot be modified after the live event is created. 'None'
keyFrameInterval Use an ISO 8601 time value between 0.5 to 20 seconds to specify the output fragment length for the video and audio tracks of an encoding live event. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. For the video track it also defines the key frame interval, or the length of a GoP (group of pictures). If this value is not set for an encoding live event, the fragment duration defaults to 2 seconds. The value cannot be set for pass-through live events. string
presetName The optional encoding preset name, used when encodingType is not None. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. If the encodingType is set to Standard, then the default preset name is ‘Default720p’. Else if the encodingType is set to Premium1080p, the default preset is ‘Default1080p’. string
stretchMode Specifies how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is None 'AutoFit'


Name Description Value
accessControl Access control for live event input. LiveEventInputAccessControl
accessToken A UUID in string form to uniquely identify the stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value. string
endpoints The input endpoints for the live event. LiveEventEndpoint[]
keyFrameIntervalDuration ISO 8601 time duration of the key frame interval duration of the input. This value sets the EXT-X-TARGETDURATION property in the HLS output. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. Leave the value empty for encoding live events. string
streamingProtocol The input protocol for the live event. This is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. 'FragmentedMP4'
'RTMP' (required)


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
allow The IP allow list. IPRange[]


Name Description Value
address The IP address. string
name The friendly name for the IP address range. string
subnetPrefixLength The subnet mask prefix length (see CIDR notation). int


Name Description Value
protocol The endpoint protocol. string
url The endpoint URL. string


Name Description Value
accessControl The access control for live event preview. LiveEventPreviewAccessControl
alternativeMediaId An alternative media identifier associated with the streaming locator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field. string
endpoints The endpoints for preview. Do not share the preview URL with the live event audience. LiveEventEndpoint[]
previewLocator The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created. string
streamingPolicyName The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. string


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
inputTrackSelection Provides a mechanism to select the audio track in the input live feed, to which speech-to-text transcription is applied. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventInputTrackSelection[]
language Specifies the language (locale) to be used for speech-to-text transcription – it should match the spoken language in the audio track. The value should be in BCP-47 format (e.g: 'en-US'). See for more information about the live transcription feature and the list of supported languages. string
outputTranscriptionTrack Describes a transcription track in the output of a live event, generated using speech-to-text transcription. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventOutputTranscriptionTrack


Name Description Value
operation Comparing operation. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
property Property name to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
value Property value to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string


Name Description Value
trackName The output track name. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string (required)

ARM template resource definition

The mediaservices/liveEvents resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents",
  "apiVersion": "2022-08-01",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "crossSiteAccessPolicies": {
      "clientAccessPolicy": "string",
      "crossDomainPolicy": "string"
    "description": "string",
    "encoding": {
      "encodingType": "string",
      "keyFrameInterval": "string",
      "presetName": "string",
      "stretchMode": "string"
    "hostnamePrefix": "string",
    "input": {
      "accessControl": {
        "ip": {
          "allow": [
              "address": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "subnetPrefixLength": "int"
      "accessToken": "string",
      "endpoints": [
          "protocol": "string",
          "url": "string"
      "keyFrameIntervalDuration": "string",
      "streamingProtocol": "string"
    "preview": {
      "accessControl": {
        "ip": {
          "allow": [
              "address": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "subnetPrefixLength": "int"
      "alternativeMediaId": "string",
      "endpoints": [
          "protocol": "string",
          "url": "string"
      "previewLocator": "string",
      "streamingPolicyName": "string"
    "streamOptions": [ "string" ],
    "transcriptions": [
        "inputTrackSelection": [
            "operation": "string",
            "property": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "language": "string",
        "outputTranscriptionTrack": {
          "trackName": "string"
    "useStaticHostname": "bool"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents'
apiVersion The resource api version '2022-08-01'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)

Character limit: 1-32

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties The live event properties. LiveEventProperties


Name Description Value
crossSiteAccessPolicies Live event cross site access policies. CrossSiteAccessPolicies
description A description for the live event. string
encoding Encoding settings for the live event. It configures whether a live encoder is used for the live event and settings for the live encoder if it is used. LiveEventEncoding
hostnamePrefix When useStaticHostname is set to true, the hostnamePrefix specifies the first part of the hostname assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. The final hostname would be a combination of this prefix, the media service account name and a short code for the Azure Media Services data center. string
input Live event input settings. It defines how the live event receives input from a contribution encoder. LiveEventInput (required)
preview Live event preview settings. Preview allows live event producers to preview the live streaming content without creating any live output. LiveEventPreview
streamOptions The options to use for the LiveEvent. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The valid values for the array entry values are 'Default' and 'LowLatency'. String array containing any of:
transcriptions Live transcription settings for the live event. See for more information about the live transcription feature. LiveEventTranscription[]
useStaticHostname Specifies whether a static hostname would be assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. This value can only be updated if the live event is in Standby state bool


Name Description Value
clientAccessPolicy The content of clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Silverlight. string
crossDomainPolicy The content of crossdomain.xml used by Silverlight. string


Name Description Value
encodingType Live event type. When encodingType is set to PassthroughBasic or PassthroughStandard, the service simply passes through the incoming video and audio layer(s) to the output. When encodingType is set to Standard or Premium1080p, a live encoder transcodes the incoming stream into multiple bitrates or layers. See for more information. This property cannot be modified after the live event is created. 'None'
keyFrameInterval Use an ISO 8601 time value between 0.5 to 20 seconds to specify the output fragment length for the video and audio tracks of an encoding live event. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. For the video track it also defines the key frame interval, or the length of a GoP (group of pictures). If this value is not set for an encoding live event, the fragment duration defaults to 2 seconds. The value cannot be set for pass-through live events. string
presetName The optional encoding preset name, used when encodingType is not None. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. If the encodingType is set to Standard, then the default preset name is ‘Default720p’. Else if the encodingType is set to Premium1080p, the default preset is ‘Default1080p’. string
stretchMode Specifies how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is None 'AutoFit'


Name Description Value
accessControl Access control for live event input. LiveEventInputAccessControl
accessToken A UUID in string form to uniquely identify the stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value. string
endpoints The input endpoints for the live event. LiveEventEndpoint[]
keyFrameIntervalDuration ISO 8601 time duration of the key frame interval duration of the input. This value sets the EXT-X-TARGETDURATION property in the HLS output. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. Leave the value empty for encoding live events. string
streamingProtocol The input protocol for the live event. This is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. 'FragmentedMP4'
'RTMP' (required)


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
allow The IP allow list. IPRange[]


Name Description Value
address The IP address. string
name The friendly name for the IP address range. string
subnetPrefixLength The subnet mask prefix length (see CIDR notation). int


Name Description Value
protocol The endpoint protocol. string
url The endpoint URL. string


Name Description Value
accessControl The access control for live event preview. LiveEventPreviewAccessControl
alternativeMediaId An alternative media identifier associated with the streaming locator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field. string
endpoints The endpoints for preview. Do not share the preview URL with the live event audience. LiveEventEndpoint[]
previewLocator The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created. string
streamingPolicyName The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. string


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
inputTrackSelection Provides a mechanism to select the audio track in the input live feed, to which speech-to-text transcription is applied. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventInputTrackSelection[]
language Specifies the language (locale) to be used for speech-to-text transcription – it should match the spoken language in the audio track. The value should be in BCP-47 format (e.g: 'en-US'). See for more information about the live transcription feature and the list of supported languages. string
outputTranscriptionTrack Describes a transcription track in the output of a live event, generated using speech-to-text transcription. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventOutputTranscriptionTrack


Name Description Value
operation Comparing operation. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
property Property name to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
value Property value to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string


Name Description Value
trackName The output track name. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string (required)

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The mediaservices/liveEvents resource type can be deployed to:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents@2022-08-01"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      crossSiteAccessPolicies = {
        clientAccessPolicy = "string"
        crossDomainPolicy = "string"
      description = "string"
      encoding = {
        encodingType = "string"
        keyFrameInterval = "string"
        presetName = "string"
        stretchMode = "string"
      hostnamePrefix = "string"
      input = {
        accessControl = {
          ip = {
            allow = [
                address = "string"
                name = "string"
                subnetPrefixLength = int
        accessToken = "string"
        endpoints = [
            protocol = "string"
            url = "string"
        keyFrameIntervalDuration = "string"
        streamingProtocol = "string"
      preview = {
        accessControl = {
          ip = {
            allow = [
                address = "string"
                name = "string"
                subnetPrefixLength = int
        alternativeMediaId = "string"
        endpoints = [
            protocol = "string"
            url = "string"
        previewLocator = "string"
        streamingPolicyName = "string"
      streamOptions = [
      transcriptions = [
          inputTrackSelection = [
              operation = "string"
              property = "string"
              value = "string"
          language = "string"
          outputTranscriptionTrack = {
            trackName = "string"
      useStaticHostname = bool

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents@2022-08-01"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-32

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.

Start with alphanumeric.
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: mediaservices
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties The live event properties. LiveEventProperties


Name Description Value
crossSiteAccessPolicies Live event cross site access policies. CrossSiteAccessPolicies
description A description for the live event. string
encoding Encoding settings for the live event. It configures whether a live encoder is used for the live event and settings for the live encoder if it is used. LiveEventEncoding
hostnamePrefix When useStaticHostname is set to true, the hostnamePrefix specifies the first part of the hostname assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. The final hostname would be a combination of this prefix, the media service account name and a short code for the Azure Media Services data center. string
input Live event input settings. It defines how the live event receives input from a contribution encoder. LiveEventInput (required)
preview Live event preview settings. Preview allows live event producers to preview the live streaming content without creating any live output. LiveEventPreview
streamOptions The options to use for the LiveEvent. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The valid values for the array entry values are 'Default' and 'LowLatency'. String array containing any of:
transcriptions Live transcription settings for the live event. See for more information about the live transcription feature. LiveEventTranscription[]
useStaticHostname Specifies whether a static hostname would be assigned to the live event preview and ingest endpoints. This value can only be updated if the live event is in Standby state bool


Name Description Value
clientAccessPolicy The content of clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Silverlight. string
crossDomainPolicy The content of crossdomain.xml used by Silverlight. string


Name Description Value
encodingType Live event type. When encodingType is set to PassthroughBasic or PassthroughStandard, the service simply passes through the incoming video and audio layer(s) to the output. When encodingType is set to Standard or Premium1080p, a live encoder transcodes the incoming stream into multiple bitrates or layers. See for more information. This property cannot be modified after the live event is created. "None"
keyFrameInterval Use an ISO 8601 time value between 0.5 to 20 seconds to specify the output fragment length for the video and audio tracks of an encoding live event. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. For the video track it also defines the key frame interval, or the length of a GoP (group of pictures). If this value is not set for an encoding live event, the fragment duration defaults to 2 seconds. The value cannot be set for pass-through live events. string
presetName The optional encoding preset name, used when encodingType is not None. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. If the encodingType is set to Standard, then the default preset name is ‘Default720p’. Else if the encodingType is set to Premium1080p, the default preset is ‘Default1080p’. string
stretchMode Specifies how the input video will be resized to fit the desired output resolution(s). Default is None "AutoFit"


Name Description Value
accessControl Access control for live event input. LiveEventInputAccessControl
accessToken A UUID in string form to uniquely identify the stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value. string
endpoints The input endpoints for the live event. LiveEventEndpoint[]
keyFrameIntervalDuration ISO 8601 time duration of the key frame interval duration of the input. This value sets the EXT-X-TARGETDURATION property in the HLS output. For example, use PT2S to indicate 2 seconds. Leave the value empty for encoding live events. string
streamingProtocol The input protocol for the live event. This is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. "FragmentedMP4"
"RTMP" (required)


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
allow The IP allow list. IPRange[]


Name Description Value
address The IP address. string
name The friendly name for the IP address range. string
subnetPrefixLength The subnet mask prefix length (see CIDR notation). int


Name Description Value
protocol The endpoint protocol. string
url The endpoint URL. string


Name Description Value
accessControl The access control for live event preview. LiveEventPreviewAccessControl
alternativeMediaId An alternative media identifier associated with the streaming locator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field. string
endpoints The endpoints for preview. Do not share the preview URL with the live event audience. LiveEventEndpoint[]
previewLocator The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created. string
streamingPolicyName The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. string


Name Description Value
ip The IP access control properties. IPAccessControl


Name Description Value
inputTrackSelection Provides a mechanism to select the audio track in the input live feed, to which speech-to-text transcription is applied. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventInputTrackSelection[]
language Specifies the language (locale) to be used for speech-to-text transcription – it should match the spoken language in the audio track. The value should be in BCP-47 format (e.g: 'en-US'). See for more information about the live transcription feature and the list of supported languages. string
outputTranscriptionTrack Describes a transcription track in the output of a live event, generated using speech-to-text transcription. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. LiveEventOutputTranscriptionTrack


Name Description Value
operation Comparing operation. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
property Property name to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string
value Property value to select. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string


Name Description Value
trackName The output track name. This property is reserved for future use, any value set on this property will be ignored. string (required)