Feedback on activity - Activities API

Run the POST request to send feedback about the activity matching the specified primary key.

HTTP request

POST /api/v1/activities/<pk>/feedback

Request URL parameters

Parameter Description
pk The ID of the activity

Request BODY parameters

Parameter Description
feedback The feedback for the activity



Here is an example of the request.

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization:Token <your_token_key>"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://<tenant_id>.<tenant_region><pk>/feedback" -d '{
  "feedbackValue": "0",
  "feedbackText": "Irrelevant",
  "allowContact": false,
  "contactEmail": ""


Returns a list of activities in JSON format.

  "total": 5 // total number of records
  "hasNext": true // whether there is more data to show or not.
  "data": [
    // returned records

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