HtmlMeta.Render(HtmlTextWriter) Method


Renders the HtmlMeta control to the client's browser using the specified HtmlTextWriter object.

protected public:
 override void Render(System::Web::UI::HtmlTextWriter ^ writer);
protected internal override void Render (System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer);
override this.Render : System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter -> unit
Protected Friend Overrides Sub Render (writer As HtmlTextWriter)



The HtmlTextWriter used to render the HtmlMeta control's content on the client's browser.


The HtmlMeta control renders a SelfClosingTagEnd HTML bracket (/>) on the <meta> element if the client's browser is XHTML compliant. For more information on configuring ASP.NET for non-XHTML rendering, see How to: Configure XHTML Rendering in ASP.NET Web Sites.

Notes to Inheritors

When extending the HtmlMeta control, override the Render(HtmlTextWriter) method to provide custom rendering.

Applies to

See also