Update maintenance budgets

The Maintenance budget lines page shows all the budget lines that have been created for the budget that is selected on the Maintenance budgets page. (For more information, see Create maintenance budgets.) You can recalculate and adjust maintenance budget lines until the maintenance budget is approved. After the budget period has passed, and costs have been posted in Asset Management, you can also update the budget lines with actual costs.

Recalculate a maintenance budget

You can recalculate a maintenance budget on the Maintenance budget lines page. When you recalculate a maintenance budget, the existing budget lines are deleted, and a new calculation is done.

  1. On the Maintenance budget lines page, select Recalculate.
  2. In the Recalculate budget dialog box, make the required changes for the new calculation, and then select OK.

New budget lines are created according to the values that you set.

Adjust budget lines

Instead of recalculating the whole maintenance budget, you can adjust selected lines that are related to budget costs.

  1. On the Maintenance budget lines page, select the lines to update the budget cost for.

  2. Select Adjust.

  3. To add an amount to the selected lines, select the Add cost check box, and then enter the value in the Add value field.

  4. To multiply the budget cost on the selected budget lines by a factor, select the Multiply cost check box, and enter the factor in the Multiply value field.

    For example, if you enter 1.2 in the Multiply value field, you increase the budget cost on the selected lines by 20 percent. If you enter 0.7, you reduce the budget cost on the selected lines by 30 percent.

  5. Select OK.

The selected budget lines are updated according to the values that you set in step 3 or 4.

Update actual costs

After the dates on the budget lines have passed, and actual costs have been posted in Asset Management, you can update the actual costs on the maintenance budget.

  1. On the Maintenance budget lines page, select Update cost.
  2. In the Calculate actual cost dialog box, select OK.

The Actual cost fields on the budget lines are updated if actual costs have been posted. New budget lines might be generated if new asset types have been created since you created the budget, and if those asset types have been used on assets that work orders have been created for and related costs have been posted for. New budget lines show only actual costs, because no budget costs were calculated for them.


To see an overview of actual costs divided into preventive, corrective, and investment costs, you can do a calculation for the same period on the Asset cost control page.

Manually add budget lines

On the Maintenance budget lines page, you can manually add a new budget line by selecting New and then making selections on the line. Here are some examples of situations where this approach might be useful:

  • You know that refurbishment of some assets is currently in the planning phase, but related jobs haven't yet been created in Asset Management. However, you want budget costs for those jobs to be included in the maintenance budget.
  • New assets or asset types have been created since you made the maintenance budget, but maintenance plans haven't yet been set up on those assets or asset types. However, you want budget costs for those asset types to be included in the maintenance budget.