PlayFabMultiplayerSDK assembly

PlayFab.Multiplayer namespace

public type description
class Lobby
enum LobbyAccessPolicy The access policy for the lobby
class LobbyArrangedJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data used when joining an arranged lobby.
class LobbyConstants Information for all the constants related to lobby.
class LobbyCreateConfiguration The initial configuration data used when creating a lobby.
class LobbyDataUpdate A request to make an update to the shared portion of the lobby on behalf of a member.
enum LobbyDisconnectingReason Reasons the client no longer has access to the Lobby.
class LobbyError Helper class for the error code of operations.
enum LobbyInviteListenerStatus Values representing the current status of an invite listener.
class LobbyJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data for the member creating and joining the lobby.
enum LobbyMemberConnectionStatus Values representing the current status of a member's connection status to the notification service.
enum LobbyMemberRemovedReason Reasons why a member was removed from a lobby.
enum LobbyMembershipLock Values representing the state of the lobby's membership lock.
class LobbyMemberUpdateSummary A collection of hints about an update which has been successfully applied to the lobby on behalf of a member.
enum LobbyOwnerMigrationPolicy The available policies the lobby service can use to migrate lobby ownership between members.
class LobbySearchConfiguration The configuration structure used to specify how a FindLobbies operation should be performed.
class LobbySearchFriendsFilter The filter structure used to limit lobby search results to only those lobbies owned by the player's friends.
class LobbySearchResult An entry in the collection of lobby search results received upon successful completion of a FindLobbies operation.
enum LobbyServerConnectionStatus Values representing the current status of the Lobby Server's connection status to the notification service.
class LobbyServerDataUpdate A request to make an update to the associated server state of a client-owned lobby.
class LobbyServerJoinConfiguration The initial configuration data used when joining a client-owned lobby as a server.
enum LogLevelType The amount of logging that is enabled.
class MatchmakingMatchDetails The resulting match information found by a completed ticket.
class MatchmakingTicket Information for a matchmaking ticket.
class MatchmakingTicketMatchMember A member of a match result.
enum MatchmakingTicketStatus The possible states for a matchmaking ticket.
struct MatchUser A member of a match result.
class MultiplayerPort A port used by a Playfab Multiplayer Server.
enum MultiplayerProtocolType The access policy for the lobby
class MultiplayerServerDetails Details about a Playfab Multiplayer Server.
class PFEntityKey PFEntityKey data model. Combined entity type and ID structure which uniquely identifies a single entity.
class PlayFabMultiplayer
class PlayFabMultiplayerErrorArgs An event argument class representing a PFMultiplayer error.
class PlayfabMultiplayerEventProcessor