Create windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Create a new windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration object.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.

Permission type Permissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account) DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported.
Application DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All

HTTP Request

POST /deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations
POST /deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/{deviceConfigurationId}/microsoft.graph.windowsDomainJoinConfiguration/networkAccessConfigurations

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Accept application/json

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation for the windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration object.

The following table shows the properties that are required when you create the windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration.

Property Type Description
id String Key of the entity. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was last modified. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
roleScopeTagIds String collection List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
supportsScopeTags Boolean Indicates whether or not the underlying Device Configuration supports the assignment of scope tags. Assigning to the ScopeTags property is not allowed when this value is false and entities will not be visible to scoped users. This occurs for Legacy policies created in Silverlight and can be resolved by deleting and recreating the policy in the Azure Portal. This property is read-only. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition The OS edition applicability for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion The OS version applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode The device mode applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was created. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
description String Admin provided description of the Device Configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
displayName String Admin provided name of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
version Int32 Version of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
authenticationType wiredNetworkAuthenticationType Specify whether to authenticate the user, the device, either, or to use guest authentication (none). If you're using certificate authentication, make sure the certificate type matches the authentication type. Possible values are: none, user, machine, machineOrUser, guest. Possible values are: none, user, machine, machineOrUser, guest, unknownFutureValue.
cacheCredentials Boolean When TRUE, caches user credentials on the device so that users don't need to keep entering them each time they connect. When FALSE, do not cache credentials. Default value is FALSE.
authenticationPeriodInSeconds Int32 Specify the number of seconds for the client to wait after an authentication attempt before failing. Valid range 1-3600.
authenticationRetryDelayPeriodInSeconds Int32 Specify the number of seconds between a failed authentication and the next authentication attempt. Valid range 1-3600.
eapolStartPeriodInSeconds Int32 Specify the number of seconds to wait before sending an EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) Start message. Valid range 1-3600.
maximumEAPOLStartMessages Int32 Specify the maximum number of EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) Start messages to be sent before returning failure. Valid range 1-100.
maximumAuthenticationFailures Int32 Specify the maximum authentication failures allowed for a set of credentials. Valid range 1-100.
enforce8021X Boolean When TRUE, the automatic configuration service for wired networks requires the use of 802.1X for port authentication. When FALSE, 802.1X is not required. Default value is FALSE.
authenticationBlockPeriodInMinutes Int32 Specify the duration for which automatic authentication attempts will be blocked from occuring after a failed authentication attempt.
eapType eapType Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). Indicates the type of EAP protocol set on the Wi-Fi endpoint (router). Possible values are: eapTls, leap, eapSim, eapTtls, peap, eapFast, teap. Possible values are: eapTls, leap, eapSim, eapTtls, peap, eapFast, teap.
trustedServerCertificateNames String collection Specify trusted server certificate names.
authenticationMethod wiredNetworkAuthenticationMethod Specify the authentication method. Possible values are: certificate, usernameAndPassword, derivedCredential. Possible values are: certificate, usernameAndPassword, derivedCredential, unknownFutureValue.
secondaryAuthenticationMethod wiredNetworkAuthenticationMethod Specify the secondary authentication method. Possible values are: certificate, usernameAndPassword, derivedCredential. Possible values are: certificate, usernameAndPassword, derivedCredential, unknownFutureValue.
innerAuthenticationProtocolForEAPTTLS nonEapAuthenticationMethodForEapTtlsType Specify inner authentication protocol for EAP TTLS. Possible values are: unencryptedPassword, challengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol, microsoftChap, microsoftChapVersionTwo. Possible values are: unencryptedPassword, challengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol, microsoftChap, microsoftChapVersionTwo.
outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue String Specify the string to replace usernames for privacy when using EAP TTLS or PEAP.
performServerValidation Boolean When TRUE, enables verification of server's identity by validating the certificate when EAP type is selected as PEAP. When FALSE, the certificate is not validated. Default value is TRUE.
disableUserPromptForServerValidation Boolean When TRUE, prevents the user from being prompted to authorize new servers for trusted certification authorities when EAP type is selected as PEAP. When FALSE, does not prevent the user from being prompted. Default value is FALSE.
requireCryptographicBinding Boolean When TRUE, enables cryptographic binding when EAP type is selected as PEAP. When FALSE, does not enable cryptogrpahic binding. Default value is TRUE.
forceFIPSCompliance Boolean When TRUE, forces FIPS compliance. When FALSE, does not enable FIPS compliance. Default value is FALSE.


If successful, this method returns a 201 Created response code and a windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration object in the response body.



Here is an example of the request.

Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 1920

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration",
  "roleScopeTagIds": [
    "Role Scope Tag Ids value"
  "supportsScopeTags": true,
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition",
    "osEditionTypes": [
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion",
    "minOSVersion": "Min OSVersion value",
    "maxOSVersion": "Max OSVersion value",
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode",
    "deviceMode": "sModeConfiguration",
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "description": "Description value",
  "displayName": "Display Name value",
  "version": 7,
  "authenticationType": "user",
  "cacheCredentials": true,
  "authenticationPeriodInSeconds": 13,
  "authenticationRetryDelayPeriodInSeconds": 7,
  "eapolStartPeriodInSeconds": 9,
  "maximumEAPOLStartMessages": 9,
  "maximumAuthenticationFailures": 13,
  "enforce8021X": true,
  "authenticationBlockPeriodInMinutes": 2,
  "eapType": "leap",
  "trustedServerCertificateNames": [
    "Trusted Server Certificate Names value"
  "authenticationMethod": "usernameAndPassword",
  "secondaryAuthenticationMethod": "usernameAndPassword",
  "innerAuthenticationProtocolForEAPTTLS": "challengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol",
  "outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue": "Outer Identity Privacy Temporary Value value",
  "performServerValidation": true,
  "disableUserPromptForServerValidation": true,
  "requireCryptographicBinding": true,
  "forceFIPSCompliance": true


Here is an example of the response. Note: The response object shown here may be truncated for brevity. All of the properties will be returned from an actual call.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2092

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration",
  "id": "ec132acd-2acd-ec13-cd2a-13eccd2a13ec",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:00:35.1329464-08:00",
  "roleScopeTagIds": [
    "Role Scope Tag Ids value"
  "supportsScopeTags": true,
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition",
    "osEditionTypes": [
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion",
    "minOSVersion": "Min OSVersion value",
    "maxOSVersion": "Max OSVersion value",
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode",
    "deviceMode": "sModeConfiguration",
    "name": "Name value",
    "ruleType": "exclude"
  "createdDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:02:43.5775965-08:00",
  "description": "Description value",
  "displayName": "Display Name value",
  "version": 7,
  "authenticationType": "user",
  "cacheCredentials": true,
  "authenticationPeriodInSeconds": 13,
  "authenticationRetryDelayPeriodInSeconds": 7,
  "eapolStartPeriodInSeconds": 9,
  "maximumEAPOLStartMessages": 9,
  "maximumAuthenticationFailures": 13,
  "enforce8021X": true,
  "authenticationBlockPeriodInMinutes": 2,
  "eapType": "leap",
  "trustedServerCertificateNames": [
    "Trusted Server Certificate Names value"
  "authenticationMethod": "usernameAndPassword",
  "secondaryAuthenticationMethod": "usernameAndPassword",
  "innerAuthenticationProtocolForEAPTTLS": "challengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol",
  "outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue": "Outer Identity Privacy Temporary Value value",
  "performServerValidation": true,
  "disableUserPromptForServerValidation": true,
  "requireCryptographicBinding": true,
  "forceFIPSCompliance": true