webPart resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a specific web part instance on a SharePoint page.

This is an abstract type.

Inherits from entity.


Method Return type Description
List webParts webPart collection Get a list of the webPart objects and their properties.
Get webPart webPart Read the properties and relationships of a webPart object.
Delete webPart webPart Deletes a webPart object.
Create webPart webPart Create a new webPart object.
Update webPart webPart Update the properties of a webPart object.
Get webPart position webPartPosition Get the webPartPosition information of a WebPart.
Get webPart collection by position webPart collection Get a list of the webPart objects filtered by webPartPosition information.


Property Type Description
id String Unique instance identifier of the web part. Inherited from entity.



JSON representation

The following is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.webPart",
  "id": "String (identifier)"