RoutingProperties Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class RoutingProperties

The routing related properties of the IoT hub. See:

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Creates an instance of RoutingProperties class.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
RoutingEndpoints endpoints()

Get the endpoints property: The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes messages based on the routing rules.

List<EnrichmentProperties> enrichments()

Get the enrichments property: The list of user-provided enrichments that the IoT hub applies to messages to be delivered to built-in and custom endpoints.

FallbackRouteProperties fallbackRoute()

Get the fallbackRoute property: The properties of the route that is used as a fall-back route when none of the conditions specified in the 'routes' section are met.

List<RouteProperties> routes()

Get the routes property: The list of user-provided routing rules that the IoT hub uses to route messages to built-in and custom endpoints.

void validate()

Validates the instance.

RoutingProperties withEndpoints(RoutingEndpoints endpoints)

Set the endpoints property: The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes messages based on the routing rules.

RoutingProperties withEnrichments(List<EnrichmentProperties> enrichments)

Set the enrichments property: The list of user-provided enrichments that the IoT hub applies to messages to be delivered to built-in and custom endpoints.

RoutingProperties withFallbackRoute(FallbackRouteProperties fallbackRoute)

Set the fallbackRoute property: The properties of the route that is used as a fall-back route when none of the conditions specified in the 'routes' section are met.

RoutingProperties withRoutes(List<RouteProperties> routes)

Set the routes property: The list of user-provided routing rules that the IoT hub uses to route messages to built-in and custom endpoints.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public RoutingProperties()

Creates an instance of RoutingProperties class.

Method Details


public RoutingEndpoints endpoints()

Get the endpoints property: The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes messages based on the routing rules. A maximum of 10 custom endpoints are allowed across all endpoint types for paid hubs and only 1 custom endpoint is allowed across all endpoint types for free hubs.


the endpoints value.


public List enrichments()

Get the enrichments property: The list of user-provided enrichments that the IoT hub applies to messages to be delivered to built-in and custom endpoints. See:


the enrichments value.


public FallbackRouteProperties fallbackRoute()

Get the fallbackRoute property: The properties of the route that is used as a fall-back route when none of the conditions specified in the 'routes' section are met. This is an optional parameter. When this property is not present in the template, the fallback route is disabled by default.


the fallbackRoute value.


public List routes()

Get the routes property: The list of user-provided routing rules that the IoT hub uses to route messages to built-in and custom endpoints. A maximum of 100 routing rules are allowed for paid hubs and a maximum of 5 routing rules are allowed for free hubs.


the routes value.


public void validate()

Validates the instance.


public RoutingProperties withEndpoints(RoutingEndpoints endpoints)

Set the endpoints property: The properties related to the custom endpoints to which your IoT hub routes messages based on the routing rules. A maximum of 10 custom endpoints are allowed across all endpoint types for paid hubs and only 1 custom endpoint is allowed across all endpoint types for free hubs.


endpoints - the endpoints value to set.


the RoutingProperties object itself.


public RoutingProperties withEnrichments(List enrichments)

Set the enrichments property: The list of user-provided enrichments that the IoT hub applies to messages to be delivered to built-in and custom endpoints. See:


enrichments - the enrichments value to set.


the RoutingProperties object itself.


public RoutingProperties withFallbackRoute(FallbackRouteProperties fallbackRoute)

Set the fallbackRoute property: The properties of the route that is used as a fall-back route when none of the conditions specified in the 'routes' section are met. This is an optional parameter. When this property is not present in the template, the fallback route is disabled by default.


fallbackRoute - the fallbackRoute value to set.


the RoutingProperties object itself.


public RoutingProperties withRoutes(List routes)

Set the routes property: The list of user-provided routing rules that the IoT hub uses to route messages to built-in and custom endpoints. A maximum of 100 routing rules are allowed for paid hubs and a maximum of 5 routing rules are allowed for free hubs.


routes - the routes value to set.


the RoutingProperties object itself.

Applies to