Set up emails


Dynamics 365 Sales Professional uses server-side synchronization to synchronize your email system with Dynamics 365 Sales. With server-side integration, messaging data is available through a web browser, tablet, or smartphone that is running Dynamics 365 Sales Professional.

Some features offered by server-side synchronization include:

  • Email folder tracking. You can drag email to a folder to track it. Folder tracking works on any mobile device that supports Exchange, which means you can track email from just about any device.

  • Support for Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. You can track incoming email with the new Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. Dynamics 365 App for Outlook works with Outlook on the web. So, all you need is a browser to track incoming email.

To configure Exchange, you must have:

  • A System Administrator or Sales Professional Manager role

  • A Microsoft 365 subscription

  • An Exchange Online subscription

Set up email by integrating with Exchange (Sales Professional) covers the process of email configuration.