

MixTapes are a way to share mic drop moments. You pick what goes on your MixTape (any video from any of your topics) and set the order in which you want the responses to play. MixTapes are view-only and can be shared anywhere. Your community can follow your MixTapes and receive an email when new videos are added.

Illustration of audio cassette tapes with text MixTapes: Share Mic Drop Moments with the ones that matter.

MixTapes can be created for whatever you'd like! Some ideas to get you started:

  • Student portfolios
  • Semester highlights
  • Project showcase
  • School yearbooks
  • Read alouds
  • Family night memories
  • Talent show remixes
  • Student TED Talks

Select MixTapes under your profile dropdown list to get started. Add videos to your MixTape these ways:

  • Within a topic, select any response you want to add to a MixTape. Use the actions dropdown menu and select Add to MixTape. Create a MixTape right there! Add your information and select Create!
  • When viewing a response in your Educator Admin, you can choose Add to Mixtapes from the ellipses button (...). You can add as many videos as you want from any group you own or co-lead.
  • In your Educator Admin, you can select the MixTapes tab under your profile menu at the top right of your screen. When choosing + MixTape, fill in your details to create a new MixTape.
  • Then add student videos to the MixTape when viewing a response.

Check out this sample MixTape from the Flip team.