Optimize form loading and performance


When navigating in finance and operations apps, users want pages to load quickly and performance to be high. While development or sandbox environments are lower tier environments that perform at a slower pace, production environments will move much quicker.

An important part of form development is to run the form in a browser window. You can do this by setting the form as a startup object in the Solution Explorer and starting it with or without the debugger. By running the debugger and using the Debug menu in Visual Studio, you can go through your code and view information about the state of the application.

In code that is on a form, you can use info() statements to log status messages that you can view through the Infolog window. In the browser window, you will be able to note any delays that occur in loading the form, whether you are running with or without debugging.

To close out of the debugger, close the browser for finance and operations apps, and then Visual Studio will automatically exit debugging mode.

By analyzing the data that is displayed on a form and removing any unnecessary fields, you can increase performance on forms.