Exercise - Use an existing button template to add a new Outlook task


This exercise shows you how to use an instant flow template rather than creating an instant flow from blank, which you did earlier in this module.

This exercise uses the Send myself a reminder in 10 minutes template.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Power Automate and sign in.

  2. On the left vertical menu, select Templates.

  3. Below the Search templates... search box are several options such as All flows, Featured, Shared with me, and so on. Find and select the Button option.

    Screenshot of Search templates with the Button option selected.

  4. Find the Send myself a reminder in 10 minutes template and select it.

  5. You might need to authenticate and sign in to enable the Notifications connection. Go ahead and sign in.

    A temporary authentication pop-up window might appear and require you to add your username and password.

  6. Select Create Flow.

    Your new flow is automatically created.

  7. You can now test the button by using your smart phone. Open the app and select the Buttons option on the bottom horizontal menu. Select the Send myself a reminder in 10 minutes button. Take a short break and wait for your response. On your mobile device in your list of flows, you see that this flow is "Running." Once the timer gets to 10 minutes, you receive a notification on your device. Did you get a notification from yourself?

  8. You can also check the flow from your flow page under the 28-day run history.

There are many options of already built templates you can use for button activated flows. Our example flow shows how easy it is!