Use the project operators


The project operators control what columns to include, add, remove, or rename in the result set of a statement.

There are multiple types of project operators. The following table is a list of the variations.

Operator Description
project Select the columns to include, rename or drop, and insert new computed columns.
project-away Select what columns from the input to exclude from the output.
project-keep Select what columns from the input to keep in the output.
project-rename Select the columns to rename in the resulting output.
project-reorder Set the column order in the resulting output.

Project operator

Select the columns to include, rename or drop, and insert new computed columns.


The project operator will limit the size of the result set, which will increase performance

Run each Query separately to see the results.

| project Computer, Account

| where ProcessName != "" and Process != ""
| extend StartDir =  substring(ProcessName,0, string_size(ProcessName)-string_size(Process))
| order by StartDir desc, Process asc
| project Process, StartDir

Project-away operator

Select what columns from the input to exclude from the output.

This example builds from our previous extend and order by operators. The project-away will remove the unnecessary column from the result set. In this example, we'll remove the ProcessName column.

| where ProcessName != "" and Process != ""
| extend StartDir =  substring(ProcessName,0, string_size(ProcessName)-string_size(Process))
| order by StartDir desc, Process asc
| project-away ProcessName