Use the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Power BI template


A dashboard template is available from GitHub. Use the Customer Voice Dashboard.pbix file to create templates for aggregating and analyzing Dynamics 365 Customer Voice data in Power BI.

Once you've downloaded the file, you'll have a formatted empty dashboard. Get data from the Dataverse connector. Find the Dataverse location of your project from the All project view.

More details on connecting to tables is found in the exercise unit of this module.

When you are creating text questions in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, the option is provided to indicate if the sentiment of the provided response should be measured. Analytics of this text column use a machine learning classification algorithm that will then indicate positive sentiment, negative sentiment, or neutral sentiment. This feature provides organizations with the ability to understand the current feeling or expressed opinion of a survey respondent, whether they were happy, sad, or felt indifferent to the product that they purchased or the level of service that they received. The key phrases that are submitted in the responses are then combined in a word cloud, helping survey reviewers quickly understand common thoughts and feedback from customers. The data can then be filtered by opting to show all of the phrases, show only the positive sentiment, or show only the negative sentiment.