

Congratulations! You completed a full event-driven scenario.

Your application is sending event-based telemetric data in real time to Azure Cosmos DB by using Azure Functions and Azure Event Hubs. You followed these steps:

  1. Create an Azure function to simulate telemetry data.

  2. Send the telemetry data toward an event hub.

  3. Consume the events with a function, process them, and store them in a database.

  4. Verify monitoring and the timings you set to ensure your workload is handled in real time.

  5. Set alerts to manage scaling and alert messages automatically.

You're now confident that you can handle real-time workloads on Azure.

Enable diagnostic logging

Learn how Azure provides built-in diagnostics to help with debugging.

Clean up resources

In this module, you created Azure resources in a resource group. If you don't need these resources later, delete the resource group from the Azure portal. Or run the following command in Azure Cloud Shell.

az group delete --name <your resource group name> --yes

This command might take a minute to run.


Deprovision the Azure resources you used in this module to avoid unwanted charges.

Learn more