Identify options for face detection analysis and identification


There are two Azure AI services that you can use to build solutions that detect faces or people in images.

The Azure AI Vision and Face services offer facial analysis capabilities

The Azure AI Vision service

The Azure AI Vision service enables you to detect people in an image, as well as returning a bounding box for its location.

The Face service

The Face service offers more comprehensive facial analysis capabilities than the Azure AI Vision service, including:

  • Face detection (with bounding box).
  • Comprehensive facial feature analysis (including head pose, presence of spectacles, blur, facial landmarks, occlusion and others).
  • Face comparison and verification.
  • Facial recognition.


Usage of facial recognition, identification, comparison, and verification will require getting approved through a Limited Access policy. You can read more about the addition of this policy to our Responsible AI standard. Facial recognition will be touched on in the rest of this module, but will be unavailable without applying for Limited Access.