

In this module, you learned about fixed and growth mindsets. You've discovered that your mindset is important because it affects the way you lead your life.

You explored how to use metacognition to recognize when you have a fixed mindset and change it to a growth mindset. For example, when you have a limiting thought like "I can't do this," you know to replace it with an empowering one, like "I can’t do this…yet."

You discovered that when you face a challenging project or task, having a growth mindset can help you learn new skills or recover from setbacks. You also learned that making mistakes is a necessary part of learning.

You explored new ways to approach challenges. These approaches include asking a peer or a mentor for help and celebrating your progress rather than expecting perfection.

A growth mindset can help you empathize with the mindsets of others and help you support them. Now, when you provide feedback to your peers, you can do so in a way that supports their growth mindset.

Drawing that shows a happy person at a computer monitor exclaiming 'Progress!'

Learn more

The Growth Mindset: A Key to Resilience, Motivation, and Achievement