

The cloud has changed how developers build applications.

Some of the changing business needs include:

  • A service that's built and operated at scale to reach customers in new geographic regions.
  • Faster delivery of features and capabilities to respond to customer demands in an agile way.
  • Improved resource utilization to reduce costs.

A microservices architecture helps address these needs by building a single application that's composed of a set of small services. Each microservice implements a specific, end-to-end domain or business capability within a certain context boundary. Each microservice must be developed autonomously and be independently deployable.

Using containers is a common approach to building microservices. Each application or service, its dependencies, and its configuration (abstracted as deployment manifest files) are packaged together as a container image. Docker is a popular way to containerize applications.

A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for how to build a Docker image. The .NET SDK now directly enables you to create containers through the dotnet publish command and support the same commands as the Dockerfile. A Docker Compose file is a YAML file that groups together several Docker containers for build and deployment.

Finally, .NET was built to be cloud-native first. It runs cross-platform, so your container image can be based on a flavor of Linux, and your .NET code still runs. .NET is extremely fast, and Microsoft has already created .NET images for containers and Docker.

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You can delete the codespace on GitHub under By repository where you see MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-dotnet-cloudnative.

These resources can help you learn more about microservices with .NET: