Extension components in the Commerce SDK


The following tables provide information about the components in the software development kit (SDK) that must be customized for different scenarios. Only the sample projects inside the Commerce SDK\SampleExtensions can be modified for extension purposes. No other files, projects, or scripts should be modified in the Commerce SDK.

Store Commerce

Item Description
Scenarios Extend the Store Commerce for user experience changes, client logic, workflow, and simple validations.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\POS. Open the ModernPos.sln or CloudPos.sln file. Add the extension to the POS.Extension project, but don't modify anything in the core Store Commerce app/web projects.
Technology TypeScript, HTML, and CSS
Documentation Run the Store Commerce samples

Commerce runtime (CRT)

Item Description
Scenarios Extend the commerce runtime to add or modify business logic, for example, calculating tax, price, discount, and so on.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\CommerceRuntime. Open the CommerceRuntimeSamples.sln file.
Technology C#
Documentation Commerce runtime (CRT) and Retail Server extensibility

Retail server (RS)

Item Description
Scenarios Create a new Retail Server extension to expose new Commerce APIs to the client.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\RetailServer. Open any of the sample extensions inside the RetailServer folder.
Technology OData, C#
Documentation Create a new Retail Server extension API (Retail SDK version 10.0.11 and later)

TypeScript proxy

Item Description
Scenarios TypeScript proxy is required if new RS extensions need to be consumed in Store Commerce or e-Commerce clients.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\RetailServer. Open any of the sample extensions inside the RetailServer folder.
Technology OData, C#
Documentation Generate the TypeScript proxy for Store Commerce (Retail SDK version 10.0.11 and later)

Hardware station

Item Description
Scenarios Hardware station to add or modify logics that are related to peripherals.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\ \SampleExtensions\HardwareStation. Open the HardwareStationSamples.sln file.
Technology C#
Documentation Integrate Store Commerce with a new hardware device


Item Description
Scenarios Integrate Store Commerce with a new payment connector.
Commerce SDK reference \RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\HardwareStation\Extension.PaymentSample. Open the HardwareStation.Extension.PaymentSample.sln file.
Technology C#
Documentation Create an end-to-end payment integration for a payment terminal