Identify report data source requirements for external sources


You have two options when considering the external sources that you can use for finance and operations apps. If you are only looking into using data for Power BI reporting and analytical workspaces that are in finance and operations, then the best option is to use the Entity Store.

For more information on Power BI integration with the Entity Store, go to Power BI integration with Entity store.

If you want to export data from finance and operations apps to your own data warehouse, use analytical tools other than Power BI that require Transact-SQL (T-SQL) access to the data that you want to analyze, and if you need batch integration with other systems, then BYOD is the correct external source for you.

For BYOD, you will need to create a separate SQL database that is hosted in Microsoft Azure. The options, such as premium databases, are dependent on your needs and the tools that will be integrating with your data.

We recommend that you take advantage of embedded Power BI and the Entity Store to use the default operations reports as your first choice. BYOD is considered a complementary option that you can use as you require.