Perform actions in the Asset library


In the Asset library, you can perform various actions.

Upload an asset to the Asset library

  1. Select the tab to upload the asset to.
  2. Select the plus sign (+).
  3. Enter a name and description for the asset.
  4. Upload the file for the asset, and then select Confirm.

Upload a new version for a specific asset

This procedure applies only for the Shared Asset Library.

  1. Select the asset in the Asset library.
  2. On the toolbar, select the Upload button.
  3. Repeat the steps in the previous procedure, "Upload an asset to the Asset library."
  4. On the toolbar, select Versions to view multiple versions for a single asset.

Move assets from the Global Asset library to the Project-level Asset library

There are two ways to move an asset from the Global Asset library to the Project-level Asset library: you can import the asset or copy it.

Import from the Global Asset library

Follow these steps to import an asset from the Global Asset library to the Project-level Asset library so that it can be applied across environments.

  1. In the Project-level Asset library, select the tab for the asset type to import.
  2. Select Import.
  3. In the list of assets in the Shared asset library, select the asset to import, and then select Pick.

The selected asset is imported and put into the Project-level Asset library. The status of the asset in the Project-level Asset library is set to Published. This method is for packages that you don't plan to edit.

If you want to edit an imported package, create a copy by using the following procedure. The status of the package will then be Draft.

Copy from the Global Asset library

Follow these steps to create a copy of an asset so that it can be edited.

  1. In the Project-level Asset library, select the tab for the asset type to copy.
  2. Select the asset to copy, and then, on the toolbar, select Copy. A copy of the published asset is created, and the status is set to Draft.

Save to my library

After you've edited an asset, follow these steps to move the edited asset back to the Shared asset library so that it can be promoted to the Organization scope and shared with multiple customers.

  1. In the Project-level Asset library, select the tab for the asset type to import.
  2. Select the asset that you want to save, and then select Save to my library. The asset is saved from the Project-level Asset library back to the Shared asset library, and the scope is set to Me.