Create documents


To create a new item, we must first create a new variable in C# code of the Product type.

Product saddle = new()
    id = "027D0B9A-F9D9-4C96-8213-C8546C4AAE71",
    categoryId = "26C74104-40BC-4541-8EF5-9892F7F03D72",
    name = "LL Road Seat/Saddle",
    price = 27.12d,
    tags = new string[] 

Let’s infer there’s already a variable of type Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Container named container.

We can asynchronously invoke the CreateItemAsync<> method passing in the generic Product type and the new item variable into the constructor.

await container.CreateItemAsync<Product>(saddle);

This invocation of the method will create the new item, but you will not have any metadata about the result of the operation. Alternatively, you can store the result of the operation in a variable of type ItemResponse<>.

ItemResponse<Product> response = await container.CreateItemAsync<Product>(saddle);

HttpStatusCode status = response.StatusCode;
double requestUnits = response.RequestCharge;

Product item = response.Resource;

If you are using a try-catch block, you can handle the CosmosException type, which includes a StatusCode property for HTTP status code values. There are a few common HTTP status codes that you should consider in your application code:

Code Title Reason
400 Bad Request Something was wrong with the item in the body of the request
403 Forbidden Container was likely full
409 Conflict Item in container likely already had a matching id
413 RequestEntityTooLarge Item exceeds max entity size
429 TooManyRequests Current request exceeds the maximum RU/s provisioned for the container

In this example

    await container.CreateItemAsync<Product>(saddle);
catch(CosmosException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
    // Add logic to handle conflicting ids
catch(CosmosException ex) 
    // Add general exception handling logic