

Because of the distributed nature of cloud-native applications, they should be closely monitored to ensure they're healthy and that their behavior is fast and reliable. If problems develop, you need to know before users do. You can achieve observability by including a telemetry package such as OpenTelemetry.

Imagine you work for an online outdoor clothing retailer that has a microservice-based web app it uses for stock management. While testing the cloud-native app, you're asked to ensure that its behavior can be monitored. You want to see how .NET supports observability.

In this module, you learn how to build observability into your cloud-native application by including OpenTelemetry packages and analyzing the data in Application Insights or third-party tools.

Learning objectives

  • Describe the three pillars of observability and how they help monitor applications.
  • Create an observability cloud-native application by using OpenTelemetry.
  • Ensure that a cloud-native application is generating observable data.
  • Use Application Insights and third-party tools to monitor a cloud-native application.


  • Experience of developing applications in C# and .NET.
  • Familiarity with RESTful service concepts.
  • Access to an Azure subscription with Owner privilege.
  • Ability to run development containers in GitHub Codespaces or Visual Studio Code.