Explore separation of concerns


One of the key reasons we would want to move the configuration away from source control is to outline responsibilities.

Let's define some roles to elaborate on them. None of those are new concepts but rather a high-level summary:

  • Configuration custodian: Responsible for generating and maintaining the life cycle of configuration values. These include CRUD on keys, ensuring the security of secrets, regeneration of keys and tokens, defining configuration settings such as Log levels for each environment. This role can be owned by operation engineers and security engineering while injecting configuration files through proper DevOps processes and CI/CD implementation. They do not define the actual configuration but are custodians of their management.

  • Configuration consumer: Responsible for defining the schema (loose term) for the configuration that needs to be in place and then consuming the configuration values in the application or library code. It's the Dev. And Test teams shouldn't be concerned about the value of keys but rather what the key's capability is. For example, a developer may need a different ConnectionString in the application but not know the actual value across different environments.

  • Configuration store: The underlying store used to store the configuration, while it can be a simple file, but in a distributed application, it needs to be a reliable store that can work across environments. The store is responsible for persisting values that modify the application's behavior per environment but aren't sensitive and don't require any encryption or HSM modules.

  • Secret store: While you can store configuration and secrets together, it violates our separation of concern principle, so the recommendation is to use a different store for persisting secrets. It allows a secure channel for sensitive configuration data such as ConnectionStrings, enables the operations team to have Credentials, Certificate, Token in one repository, and minimizes the security risk if the Configuration Store gets compromised.