Implement best practices for building DLP change management plans


Communicating changes to DLP can be a challenging endeavor and will differ depending on organization design. You can use certain approaches to communicate DLP change information to your makers.

Consider the following strategies:

Build an Informative Intranet/Wiki: Create a handy Intranet or Wiki site to serve as a reference guide for app makers. This will help them grasp the ins and outs of DLP (Data Loss Prevention) policies.

Digital User Tracking: Keep tabs on all your flow users using a digital list. You've got options like Yammer groups, Microsoft Lists, distribution lists, or Microsoft Entra ID groups. You could even go the extra mile with the Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence (COE) Starter Kit.


In the next module of this learning path, you will build a digital list that helps you track new users.

Communicate Changes Smartly: When there are DLP changes on the horizon, don't keep it a secret. Share the news during your IT change management meetings. These meetings are like the info hub for IT changes and serve as a way to keep everyone in the loop, especially those who rely on your service.

Early Warnings: Give all your app makers a heads-up about upcoming DLP changes. You can make this process smooth by using the digital list we mentioned earlier. If you really want to level up, automate this using Power Automate to save time and effort.

Open Communication Channel: Make sure your app makers have an easy way to reach out if they have questions or concerns. Consider setting up a distribution list or service desk queue for them. In your communication, let them know where to turn if they need extra help.

Expect Exceptions: Be ready for some exceptions to the rules. Remember when we talked about having environments where DLP rules aren't as strict? Some app makers might have valid reasons for that. To handle these cases, think about using a Microsoft Form connected to a Power Automate flow with automated approvals. This way, you can manage exceptions smoothly.