Exercise - Create and manage projects in Customer Voice


In this exercise, you'll create a new project in Customer Voice and then make a copy of it to another environment. Finally, you will share your project with another user.


This exercise can be completed in a trial or sandbox environment. You will need at least two environments to complete task 2 and at least one other user in your environment to complete task 3.

Task 1: Create a new project

In this task, you will create a new project by using the Support project template in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  1. Go to Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and sign in with your credentials.

  2. Select Get started.

    Screenshot of the home dashboard in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice with the Get started button highlighted.

  3. Select the Support template from the list of available project template options.

    Screenshot of a list of all project templates that are available in Customer Voice. The Support template is highlighted.

  4. Select the Next button in the lower part of the screen.

    Screenshot of the Back button and the Next button, which is highlighted.

  5. Select See all environments.

    Screenshot the location selection screen for a project in Customer Voice. The link for See all environments is highlighted.

  6. From the list, select an environment that you have access to. When the Permission granted message displays, select the Select and close button in the lower-right corner of the screen.

    Screenshot of a list of available environments in an organization. One of the environments and the Select and close button are highlighted.

  7. Select the Create button.

    Screenshot of the the Back button and the Create button, which is highlighted.

  8. The project is now complete, and your Customer service feedback survey from the Support project template will be displayed.

Task 2: Copy a project to another environment

In this task, you will copy the project that you created in task 1 into a different environment in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  1. From the home screen in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, select All projects.

    Screenshot of the home dashboard in Customer Voice, showing the Get started button.

  2. Hover your cursor over the Support project that you created in Task 1 and then select the ellipsis (...) that appears.

    Screenshot of a list of all projects for a user in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. One project is selected and the ellipsis menu is highlighted.

  3. From the menu, select the Copy option.

    Screenshot of the menu open on a project in Customer Voice, showing the Copy option highlighted.

  4. In the Copy to window, select a new location from the All locations list. If you don't have another location, you can use the Current location option, which will make a copy within the same location where the project currently resides. Select the Copy button to continue.

    Screenshot of the Copy wizard screen displayed for a project in Customer Voice. One location is selected and the Copy button is highlighted.

  5. A notification will appear in the upper-right corner in Customer Voice indicating that the project is being copied.

    Screenshot of a notification that a project is being copied.

    After the copying process is complete, a notification will appear in the upper-right corner in Customer Voice indicating that the copying process is complete.

    Screenshot of a notification that a project was copied to a specific location.

    Your original project and the copied version will now be visible in the list of all projects.

    Screenshot of a list of projects with two highlighted. One is the original project created and the second is the copied version of the original project.

  6. Hover your cursor over the Support - copy project and select the ellipsis to open the menu.

    Screenshot of a list of projects with one project selected and the ellipsis menu highlighted.

  7. Select Rename.

    Screenshot of the menu open on a project in Customer Voice. The Rename option is highlighted.

  8. Rename the project to Premium Support and then select the Rename button.

    Screenshot of the Rename your project window, with the project renamed to Premium Support and the Rename button highlighted.

    The project will be renamed and the new name will be visible on the project within the list of All projects.

    Screenshot of a list of projects with two projects displayed.

Task 3: Share a project

In this task, you will share the project that you created in task 1 with another user in your environment.

  1. From the home page in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, select All projects.

    Screenshot of the home dashboard in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Get started button is highlighted.

  2. Select the name of the Support project that was created in task 1 of this exercise.

    Screenshot of a list of projects, with the Support project highlighted in the My projects screen.

  3. Select the Share option in the upper-right corner of the project.

    Screenshot of the Share button within a project highlighted.

  4. In the Share with box, start typing the name of another user within your environment. Their name should appear as a suggested user.

    Screenshot of the Share panel open with the name of a user added in the Share with box. A suggested user is displayed in a list.

  5. Select the user's name.

    Screenshot of a user added to the Share with box on the Share panel for a project.

  6. Add the following text in the message field: I've shared this project with you. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.

    Screenshot of a message added to the optional message box on the Share panel screen for a project.

  7. Select the Share button to complete the process of sharing the project with a user.

    Screenshot of the Close button and the Share button, which is highlighted.

  8. A notification will be displayed when the project has been shared successfully.

    Screenshot of a notification message highlighted, indicating that a project was shared successfully.

  9. If you have access to the email inbox of the user whom you shared the project with, you should see an email that was generated automatically by Customer Voice as a notification that the project was shared with them.

    Screenshot of an email notification that was received by a user who had a project shared with them from Customer Voice.

  10. Select the Share option from the upper-right corner of the project.

    Screenshot of the Share button within a project.

  11. Select the Access tab from the Share panel.

    Screenshot of the Share panel open for a project and the Access tab highlighted.

The name of the user whom you shared the project with should display. This process can take a few minutes to update, so if the user isn't listed, wait and refresh, and then try again.

Screenshot of the Access panel displaying a list of users who have access to the project.