Staging and order picking


Raw material picking has two picking principles:

  • Order picking
  • Staging

The term order picking is used when the ordered quantity is being picked, whereas the term staging is used when the full quantity on the picked license plate is being moved. You can configure which of the two principles should be used for raw material picking. You can control this policy at the item level by using the Material picking in license plate locations field on the Warehouse FastTab.

Product information management > Products > Released products

Screenshot of the material picking in license plate locations field.

When a new product is created, the value of the Material picking in license plate locations field is set to Order picking.

Round up work for raw material picking

You can configure the location directive for raw material picking, so work can be rounded up to the nearest handling unit in which the material is picked for production. The Round up to unit field is used along with the Restrict by unit field.

Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives

Screenshot of the round up to unit field and the restrict by unit field.

Over-pick materials for production orders and batch orders

Warehouse managers can leverage Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to control over-picking of raw materials. Over-picking can be useful in situations where it is more efficient to over-pick to round up to the nearest packing unit or to free up space in the warehouse by picking the full content.

Before you can use this feature, you must enable it. Navigate to Feature management and turn on the feature Over-pick materials for production orders and batch orders.

To set up over-picking for production orders and batch orders, you must set up over-picking for a worker and over-picking for a mobile device menu item.

  • Navigate to Warehouse management > Setup > Worker to set up over-picking for a worker.

  • Navigate to Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items to set up over-picking for a mobile device menu item.

As a warehouse manager you can set an allowed threshold for over-picking to control the extent a worker is allowed to over-pick a product. To do this navigate to Product information management > Products > Released products.