

Organizations preparing to digitally transform their business must determine how to modernize existing applications and infrastructure to achieve business goals. There are many paths towards modernization; you could rebuild applications by starting from scratch, refactor existing applications to make them more cloud native, or replatform applications to realize some of the benefits of the cloud without altering the application structure. Every application-modernization approach has its own benefits, and the decision on what approach to use for what application in your portfolio is unique to your organization and your business goals.

In this module, you'll learn how Azure Migrate: App Containerization can help accelerate your application modernization journey by helping you containerize and migrate your ASP.NET applications running on Windows machines to Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) using a templatized process.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Discover and containerize your ASP.NET app running on Windows machines using Azure Migrate: App Containerization.
  • Build a container image for your ASP.NET application.
  • Deploy your containerized application to AKS using Azure Migrate: App Containerization.
