Exercise - Create an Azure IoT Central application


You can customize an Azure IoT Central application for your specific scenario.

Recall that in the IoT enabled coffee machines example, there would be one application to monitor and manage your devices spread around the world.

You'll begin by creating an IoT Central custom application that defines the data and commands to be exchanged with the IoT device.

Create the Coffee Maker application

In this section, we activate the Azure sandbox, sign in to Azure IoT Central, and create a new custom application using a standard pricing plan. All resources created in the sandbox are free for use in this module.

  1. Start by activating the Azure sandbox.

  2. Once it's activated, sign into the Azure portal. Make sure to use the same account with which you activated the sandbox.

  3. Type iot into the search box and select IoT Central Applications, then select + Create.

  4. On the Basics tab, enter the following information:

    • Enter the following values for each setting in the Project details section:

      Setting Value
      Subscription Concierge Subscription (the sandbox subscription should be selected by default).
      Resource group [sandbox resource group name].
    • Enter the following values for each setting in the Instance details section:

      Setting Value
      Resource name Enter a friendly application name that is unique for your application, such as coffee-maker-1234.
      Application URL Optionally edit the URL, which is required if the name you selected is already in use.
      Template Select Custom application as the application template.
      Region Select a location that is close to you; see the information below this table for available regions.
      Pricing plan Select Standard 0 (To learn about pricing, see Azure IoT Central pricing).

      The free sandbox allows you to create resources in a subset of the Azure global regions. Select a region from the following list when you create resources:

      • West US 2
      • South Central US
      • Central US
      • East US
      • West Europe
      • Southeast Asia
      • Japan East
      • Brazil South
      • Australia Southeast
      • Central India
  5. Select Review + Create.

  6. When the validation step is complete, select Create to create your application.

  7. When your application has been created, select Go to resource.

Check your work

Your IoT Central custom application is now live and ready to connect to IoT Devices.

  1. Select the link for your IoT Central Application URL, such as https://coffee-maker-1234.azureiotcentral.com.