Introduction to conditional actions


The ability to run actions based on whether certain conditions are met is an essential part of most business processes. Adapting a flow's steps based on the available information is crucial for virtually every task, and enables the creation of flows that handle complex scenarios that vary based on the available data.

Consider the automatic processing of billing information and pricing: a discount may be applied to any purchase, and the amount of the discount is determined by the total purchase amount, whether the customer is a partner or has a discount coupon, and whether any special offers are in place. These are all factors that are not constant, and must be evaluated while the flow is running. Using conditional actions, users may automate such processes, streamlining decision making and increasing efficiency.

In this module, you will learn about the different groups of conditionals, and how they are deployed.

By the end of this module, you will be able to understand the differences between the different conditional actions, and use them to automate tasks based on runtime information.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Use the If group of conditionals to evaluate any type of condition.
  • Deploy the Switch group of conditionals to compare a single variable with multiple possible values.
  • Explore additional options when evaluating conditions.
  • Provide default and alternative behaviors to flows based on the available data.


  • Basic familiarity with the Power Automate for desktop flow designer