Create a notebook


To start with Notebooks, use the "Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks" notebook.

  1. In the Microsoft Sentinel Workspace, select Notebooks

  2. You need to create an AzureML Workspace. Select Configure Azure Machine Learning then Create new Azure ML workspace.

  3. In the Subscription box, select your subscription.

  4. Select Create a new Resource group and choose a name for your new resource group.

  5. In the Workspace details section:

    • Give your workspace a unique name.

    • Choose your Region

    • Save your Storage account, Key vault, and Application insights information.

    • The Container registry option can remain as None.

  6. At the bottom of the page, select Review + create. Then on the next page, select create. It will take a moment to deploy the workspace.

  7. Navigate to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace, select Notebooks.

  8. Select the Templates tab.

  9. Select the A Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks from the list.

  10. Select Create from template on the bottom of the right page.

  11. Select the Save.

  12. Select the Launch notebook.

  13. Next to the Compute instance selector at the top of the screen, select the +.

  14. Choose your compute settings.

  15. Name your Compute instance and select the Create button at the bottom of the screen.

  16. Wait for the compute instance to finish creating.

  17. In the top right of the notebook, select a Kernel to use if not selected.

  18. Follow the instructions in the Notebook.