Explain how your business will work


Once you've articulated your extended elevator pitch and identified what your audience wants to be addressed, then you can share the operational details of your business.

The most brilliant, beautiful, or useful product is only as good as the go-to-market strategy you adopt. If no one uses your product, then you've failed. It's crucial to demonstrate to your audience a go-to-market strategy, which is the story of how you'll acquire users and generally how you'll make money.

Explain how you'll get customers

Explain your go-to-market plan, starting with the size of the market opportunity.

Slide showing Fabrikam's market opportunity.

Explain how you'll acquire customers. This should include the channels you plan to use; for example, advertising, influencer outreach, content, or the like. If there are unique or specific marketing techniques or channels that make your go-to-market stand out, this is the place to highlight them.

Slide detailing Fabrikam's strategy for acquiring customers.

As well as any techniques planned, you should indicate your targets for customer acquisition and the time frame over which you intend to acquire them.

Explain your revenue model

The other side of your go-to-market plan is how you plan to make money: your business model or monetization strategy. Some investors are open to a strategy of building a product and growing its customer base and monetizing later, but even those investors are interested in your future plans to make money.

Slide showing Fabrikam's business model.

For a pitch, you generally don't need to go deep into numbers, although you should have that data available because you're going to be asked if the investment proceeds. Identify the specific revenue model (for example, subscriptions or per unit) and your rough expectations on revenue.

Check your knowledge


What are the most crucial things to mention when you explain how to acquire customers?