Exercise - Determine the question to ask to inform data cleansing


Before you continue, it's important to establish what information you want to use to make a recommendation to the astronauts. In this case, you can use publicly available information about the types of spacecraft used in previous Moon missions and the weight of rock samples returned by each mission.

Convert the sample weight

While details of rocket design are proprietary, some information is publicly available. For example, you can gather data such as the weight of the spacecraft modules that carried the samples back to Earth and the total amount of weight that each rocket can transport. These values can be used to calculate the maximum weight of rock samples that can be collected and returned to Earth.

To prepare the rock sample data for later calculations, we need to understand that rocket weight is often measured in kilograms, not grams. Therefore, we need to convert the original rock sample weights from grams to kilograms for easier data analysis later.

rock_samples['Weight (g)'] = rock_samples['Weight (g)'].apply(lambda x : x * 0.001)
rock_samples.rename(columns={'Weight (g)':'Weight (kg)'}, inplace=True)
ID Mission Type Subtype Weight (kg) Pristine (%)
0 10001 Apollo11 Soil Unsieved 0.1258 88.36
1 10002 Apollo11 Soil Unsieved 5.6290 93.73
2 10003 Apollo11 Basalt Ilmenite 0.2130 65.56
3 10004 Apollo11 Core Unsieved 0.0448 71.76
4 10005 Apollo11 Core Unsieved 0.0534 40.31

Here we first modified the values in the Weight (g) column to be the same value multiplied by 0.001. Then we modified the name of the column to be more accurate by changing it to Weight (kg).

Create a new DataFrame

Pandas, the Python library we are using to do our data analysis, has a structure called a DataFrame, and it's really effective for representing 2D data. You might have recognized that, when you run the rock_samples.head() code, what is printed out looks almost like a snapshot of an Excel worksheet, which is a great way to think about DataFrames in pandas.

The rock_samples DataFrame has a row for every sample that was collected but, as we mentioned earlier, we want to understand the rock samples in total as they relate to the specific rockets that brought them back.

Create a new DataFrame called missions that will be a summary of data for each of the six Apollo missions that brought samples back. Create a column in this DataFrame called Mission that has one row for each mission.

missions = pd.DataFrame()
missions['Mission'] = rock_samples['Mission'].unique()
Index Mission
0 Apollo11
1 Apollo12
2 Apollo14
3 Apollo15
4 Apollo16
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------   --------------  ----- 
 0   Mission  6 non-null      object

Sum total sample weight by mission

Now you can add a new column to the missions DataFrame to represent the sum of all samples collected on that mission.

sample_total_weight = rock_samples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'].sum()
missions = pd.merge(missions, sample_total_weight, on='Mission')
missions.rename(columns={'Weight (kg)':'Sample weight (kg)'}, inplace=True)
Index Mission Sample weight (kg)
0 Apollo11 21.55424
1 Apollo12 34.34238
2 Apollo14 41.83363
3 Apollo15 75.39910
4 Apollo16 92.46262
5 Apollo17 109.44402

Let's break out this code a bit. The first line was sample_total_weight = rock_samples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'].sum(), which can be broken out as follows:

  • rock_samples.groupby('Mission') - This groups all the rows by the values in the Mission column.
  • rock_samples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'] - This grabs all the values in the Weight (kg) column, but groups by unique values in the Mission column.
  • rock_samples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'].sum() - This sums all the values in the Weight (kg) column for each unique value in the Mission column.

If you were to print out that one line, you would get a pandas series, which is basically a 1D data type, or a list. The list would have the index be the unique value from the Mission column, instead of a number:

sample_total_weight = rock_samples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'].sum()
Apollo11     21.55424
Apollo12     34.34238
Apollo14     41.83363
Apollo15     75.39910
Apollo16     92.46262
Apollo17    109.44402
Name: Weight (kg), dtype: float64

The next line, pd.merge(missions, sample_total_weight, on='Mission'), can be described as:

Merge the missions DataFrame with the sample_total_weight series by using the Mission column as the index to merge on. What the computer will do is basically this: for each value in the Missions column in the missions DataFrame, find that same value in the sample_total_weight series, and add the value from the series into the row as a new column in the DataFrame.

This example is fairly straightforward, because there are only six rows. So we can confirm that the number 21.55424, for example, was added to the Apollo 11 row in the missions DataFrame.

The next line simply renames the column, just as we did before, to ensure that we are being specific with our data.

The last line prints out the entire missions DataFrame. Because there are only six missions, we can print out the entire DataFrame and still understand what we are looking at. There is no need to use head() to print out only the first five rows.

Get the difference in weights across missions

We're not rocket experts, so it's important to take a look at a lot of different cross sections of data that are available to you. In this case, we can see that the total weight of the samples increased with each mission, but it's hard to immediately see by how much. We can add one more column to the missions DataFrame that simply grabs the difference between the current row and the row preceding it:

missions['Weight diff'] = missions['Sample weight (kg)'].diff()
Index Mission Sample weight (kg) Weight diff
0 Apollo11 21.55424 NaN
1 Apollo12 34.34238 12.78814
2 Apollo14 41.83363 7.49125
3 Apollo15 75.39910 33.56547
4 Apollo16 92.46262 17.06352
5 Apollo17 109.44402 16.98140

Notice that in the first row, for Apollo11, the value in the Weight diff column is NaN. This is called a null value. Because Apollo11 was the first mission, there is no difference between the weight of the rock collected on Apollo11 and that of the previous mission. We can fill this NaN value with 0:

missions['Weight diff'] = missions['Weight diff'].fillna(value=0)
Index Mission Sample weight (kg) Weight diff
0 Apollo11 21.55424 0.00000
1 Apollo12 34.34238 12.78814
2 Apollo14 41.83363 7.49125
3 Apollo15 75.39910 33.56547
4 Apollo16 92.46262 17.06352
5 Apollo17 109.44402 16.98140

This Python code did the following:

  • Looked only at the Weight diff column in the missions DataFrame
  • Filled all NaN (or null) values with a certain value
  • The value to fill in the NaN values is 0
  • Saved the modified list of values for that column back into the column

This last step is important. Pandas is a library that is designed to let us explore data, which means that some of the functions will provide insight into the data, but not directly modify it. When in doubt, read the docs and test!