

The following code is one possible solution to the challenge in the preceding unit.

$date = Read-Host "What is today's date"
$name = Read-Host "Please enter your name"
Write-Output "Today's date is $date."
Write-Output "Today is the day $name began a PowerShell programming journey."

This code is only one possible solution. Your code could look different. However you wrote the code, you should have used Read-Host and Write-Output to produce the desired output.

Today's date is 10/05/2023.
Today is the day Chase began a PowerShell programming journey.

If you were successful, congratulations! Continue to the knowledge check in the next unit.


If you had trouble completing this challenge, it might be a good idea to review the previous units before you continue. All new ideas we discuss in other modules depend on your understanding of the ideas that were presented in this module.