Interval types


Interval types define the type of counter that you want to create. Here is a list of interval types, and how they work with the Line types Time and Counter.

Repeated from plan date

The count starts from the plan date that is used. When you schedule maintenance plans, maintenance schedule lines are created when the interval is reached.

  • Line type Time: The Plan date on the maintenance plan line is used. If no plan date is selected on the line, the Plan date for the maintenance plan is used. Example: If the number 3 is inserted in the Period frequency field, and Year is selected in the Period field, a new maintenance schedule line will be created once every three years.

  • Line type Counter: The Plan date for the maintenance plan is used. If the counter has been replaced, the latest replacement date is used as the plan date.

Repeated from start date

The count starts from the start date on the asset relation. The date is selected in the All asset details view > Asset maintenance plans FastTab > Start date field, or in the All functional locations details view > Maintenance plans FastTab > Start date field. When you schedule maintenance plans, a maintenance schedule line is created when the interval is reached.

  • Line type Time: The start date of the maintenance plan line on asset or functional location is used. If that field is blank, the Plan date for the maintenance plan is used.

  • Line type Counter: The start date of the maintenance plan line on asset or functional location is used. If that field is blank, the Plan date for the maintenance plan is used.

Repeated from last work order

The count starts from the actual end date and time of the latest work order that was completed on the asset with that specific maintenance job type / maintenance job type variant / trade combination. That date and time is shown in the Actual end field in the All work order details view.

  • Line type Time: The actual end date and time of the work order that was completed on the asset with that specific maintenance job type / maintenance job type variant / trade combination. If no completed work order is found, one of the dates that was used in the Repeated from start date interval type is used instead.

  • Line type Counter: The actual end date and time of the work order that was completed on the asset and the maintenance job type / maintenance job type variant / trade combination is used. If the end date and time was left blank on the work order, one of the dates that was used in the Repeated from start date interval type is used instead.

Once from plan date

See the description for the Repeated from plan date interval type. The only difference is that this interval type is to be used only once.

  • Line type Time: See the description for the Repeated from plan date interval type. This interval is typically used for a one-time maintenance or service job.

  • Line type Counter: See the description for the Repeated from plan date interval type. This interval is typically used for a one-time maintenance or service job.

    This interval type is only relevant if the counter is replaced every time you carry out a maintenance or service job. If, for some reason, a counter has been replaced before the end of the planned interval, a new time is calculated for the job from the time of the counter replacement.

    If the counter is replaced when you are completing the maintenance or service job, this interval type functions as the Repeated from plan date interval type.

Once from start date

See the description for the Repeated from start date interval type. The only difference is that this interval type is to be used only once.

  • Line type Time: See the description for the Repeated from start date interval type. This interval is typically used for a one-time maintenance or service job.

  • Line type Counter: See the description for the Repeated from start date interval type.

    This interval is typically used for a one-time maintenance or service job. This interval type is only relevant if the counter is replaced every time you carry out a maintenance or service job. If, for some reason, a counter has been replaced before the end of the planned interval, a new time is calculated for the job from the time of the counter replacement.

    If the counter is replaced when you are completing the maintenance or service job, this interval type functions as the Repeated from start date interval type.

Once reached above

This interval type only relates to counters and is used for indicating an upper limit that is set up on the maintenance plan line. Maintenance schedule entries will have the expected start date and time of the counter registration; meaning, these entries will be created with an expected start date that is equal to or earlier than the system date.

  • Line type Time: Not applicable.

  • Line type Counter: The counter interval indicates an upper limit. If that limit is exceeded when you create a counter registration, a maintenance schedule line is created when you schedule preventive maintenance.

Once reached below

This interval type only relates to counters and is used for indicating a lower limit that is set up on the maintenance plan line. Maintenance schedule entries will have the expected start date and time of the counter registration; meaning, these entries will be created with an expected start date that is equal to or earlier than the system date.

  • Line type Time: Not applicable.

  • Line type Counter: The counter interval indicates a lower limit. If that limit is passed when you create a counter registration, a maintenance schedule line is created when you schedule preventive maintenance.

Linked from start date

This interval type only creates a maintenance schedule line once. A maintenance plan can contain more maintenance plan lines that use this interval type, and those lines are linked. Typically, you will create a maintenance plan that contains lines of only this interval type. Maintenance schedule lines are created by identifying the maintenance plan line that has the first expected start date and time.

  • Line type Time: See the description for the Once from start date interval type.

    For example, you create two lines in a maintenance plan for a service job on a car: one time-based line with a one-year period, and one counter-based line with a 25,000 km limit. A maintenance schedule line is created for the limit that is reached first. For this line type, you would create the line with the one-year period.

  • Line type Counter: See the description for the Once from start date interval type.

    For example, you create two lines in a maintenance plan for a service job on a car: one time-based line with a one-year period, and one counter-based line with a 25,000 km limit. A maintenance schedule line is created for the limit that is reached first. For this line type, you would create the line with the 25,000 km limit.

    An example of creating two counter lines would be if you also set up a maintenance plan with two linked, counter-based lines in which the first line has a limit of 10,000 item quantity produced, and the second line relates to the machine or work center that requires service after running 3,000 hours.

Linked from last work order

This interval type creates new maintenance schedule lines after every completed work order. A maintenance plan can contain more lines that use this interval type, and those lines are linked. Typically, you will create a maintenance plan that contains maintenance plan lines of only this interval type. Maintenance schedule lines are created by identifying the maintenance plan line that has the first expected start date and time.

  • Line type Time: This interval type basically works like the Linked from start date type. The only difference is the date on which the interval type is based. The date that is used is the actual date and time on the latest work order that was completed on the asset and the maintenance job type / maintenance job type variant / trade combination.

  • Line type Counter: This interval type basically works like the Linked from start date type. The only difference is the date on which the interval type is based. The date that is used is the actual date and time on the latest work order that was completed on the asset and the maintenance job type / maintenance job type variant / trade combination.