Introduction to React


React is an open-source framework to create user interfaces. It's most famous for creating web applications. But React can be used to create mobile or desktop applications through React Native. React focuses on the View in Model-View-Controller. So you can use other libraries for routing, state management, and accessing APIs.

This module explores the core concepts of React. It introduces JavaScript XML (JSX), components, and displaying data.

Module goals

  • Understand the core concepts of React
  • Create a React application
  • Create a component


In this module, we'll create a starter project for React. We'll introduce JSX and the need for a web bundler. We'll create our first components and introduce the project structure.


To complete this module, you'll need to know about:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Package management in Node.js and npm.
  • Git.

Make sure you have the following software installed on your local machine: