

Components are reusable, self-contained units, and make up the core of any React application. Components can have their own properties (or props), which allow you to pass data into a component, making it reusable across different scenarios. You're also able to use complex data beyond strings and primitive types, giving your components even more power.


In this module, you learn how to:

  • Display dynamic data.
  • Display lists of data.
  • Add properties (props) to components.
  • Use objects and complex data types.



  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of React and React components
  • Knowledge of package management with Node.js and npm
  • Knowledge of Git

Locally installed software

Clone the project and open the code in Visual Studio Code

This module uses a starter project.

  1. To get the starter project, run the following code in a command or terminal window. This clones the repository and opens the starter folder in Visual Studio Code.

    # Windows
    git clone
    cd mslearn-react\code\2-component-data\start
    code .
    # macOS or Linux
    git clone
    cd mslearn-react/code/2-component-data/start
    code .
  2. Open the integrated terminal inside Visual Studio Code by selecting View > Terminal (or Ctl-` in Windows, Cmd-` on a Mac).

  3. Run the following code in the terminal to install the necessary packages and start the development server.

    npm install
    npm start
  4. Your default browser automatically opens. If it doesn't, open your browser and go to http://locahost:8080. The starter page will appear.