Open an IoT Edge gateway device inbound ports using Azure CLI


In this exercise, you will use the Azure CLI to configure the Network Security Group (NSG) that secures access to the Azure IoT Edge Gateway from the Internet. The necessary ports for MQTT, AMQP, and HTTPS communications need to be opened so the downstream IoT device(s) can communicate with the gateway.

For the Azure IoT Edge Gateway to communicate with Child IoT Devices, the TCP/IP port for the devices protocol must be open for Inbound communication. The device could use one of three supported protocols to communicate with the IoT Gateway.

These TCP/IP port numbers are for the supported protocols:

Protocol Port Number
MQTT 8883
AMQP 5671
MQTT + WS (Websocket) 443
AMQP + WS (Websocket) 443

Opening an IoT Edge gateway device inbound ports using Azure CLI

  1. Log in to your Azure portal using your Azure account credentials.

  2. Within the Azure portal, navigate to the IoTEdgeGateway resource group.

  3. Make note of the resource name of the Network security group (NSG) that was created for the IoTEdgeGateway virtual machine.

    The name of the NSG should match the format of {vm-name}-nsg.

  4. Open the Azure Cloud Shell by clicking the Terminal icon located in the top header bar of the Azure portal, and select the Bash shell option.

  5. Within the Azure Cloud Shell, to find the name of the Network Security Group (NSG) in use by the Azure IoT Edge Gateway VM, enter the following command:

     az network nsg list --resource-group AZ-220-IoTEdgeResources -o table
  6. Within the Azure Cloud Shell, run the following commands to add Inbound rules to the NSG for MQTT, AMQP, and HTTPS communication protocols:

     az network nsg rule create --name MQTT --nsg-name AZ220EdgeVM{YOUR-ID}NSG --resource-group AZ-220-IoTEdgeResources --destination-port-ranges 8883 --priority 101
     az network nsg rule create --name AMQP --nsg-name AZ220EdgeVM{YOUR-ID}NSG --resource-group AZ-220-IoTEdgeResources --destination-port-ranges 5671 --priority 102
     az network nsg rule create --name HTTPS --nsg-name AZ220EdgeVM{YOUR-ID}NSG --resource-group AZ-220-IoTEdgeResources --destination-port-ranges 443 --priority 103

    Be sure to replace the placeholders with the appropriate values before running the commands:

    Placeholder Value to replace {nsg-name} Enter the name of the Network Security Group. {resource-group} Enter the name of the Resource group for the virtual machine.


    In production, it’s best practice to only open inbound communication to the communication protocol(s) in use by your IoT devices. If your devices only use MQTT, then only open inbound communication for that port. This command helps limit the surface attack area of open ports that could be exploited.

  7. With the Inbound rules added to the Network Security Group (NSG), the Child IoT Device will be allowed to communicate with the IoT Edge Gateway virtual machine.