

In Dynamics 365 Sales, sales accelerator sequences are used to help to guide your sellers throughout the course of a sale and share best practices that are more relevant to your organization. For example, a lead nurturing sequence might start by guiding the seller to send an introduction email to potential new customer. After a few days, the seller is prompted to send a follow-up email to the customer, other activities such as tasks and appointments are communicated to the seller at pre-defined intervals.

Administrators can build sequences for the entire organization, or sellers can create and activate sequences themselves. When creating a sequence, you define the activities you want your sellers to perform, and the order to perform they should be performed as sellers handle records. This lets sellers concentrate on selling and gives them a better understanding of what to do next. Once a sequence is created, it can be connected to leads or opportunities. So when sellers are working on qualifying a lead or developing an opportunity, they would get the recommended set of actions for them to take based on the connected sequence.

In this module, we walk you through a series of tutorials to help get you started building sequences that your sellers can use. While we don't cover everything related to sequences, we walk through the most common elements to help get you started with them including:

  • Creating a sales sequence

  • Connecting a sequence to a record

  • Disconnecting sequence from a record

  • Editing a sales sequence