Configure SMS workstream


Similar to all communication channels in Omnichannel for Customer Service, you'll need dedicated SMS workstreams attached to the SMS channels that agents and customers will be communicating through. Workstreams are created in the Customer Service admin center.

Like other workstreams, SMS-related streams need the following information:

  • Name - Simple name that is used to identify the workstream.

  • Type: Type of channel communication that the workstream will process. For SMS channels, set the type as Messaging.

  • Channel - The communication channel type for the workstream. This option will be set to SMS.

  • Work Distribution: Defines how work items from this workstream are assigned to agents. You can select either:

    • Push: Conversations will be assigned to agents automatically based on capacity and presence.

    • Pick: Conversations will go to the open work items section of the agent dashboard. Agents will pick the conversation they work on.

  • Fallback queue: Defines which queue to route items to by default if that conversation isn't automatically routed to another queue.

Screenshot of new Workstream with Push as the work distribution mode.