Create a shared vision with educators and the school community


Work with the school leaders on ways to involve the greater school community (families, students, and other key community members) to gauge their concerns and goals for students and to create a sense of shared responsibility. Through conducting focus groups and community surveys, and by soliciting feedback during presentations, the most impactful school leaders can share the vision of educational transformation with their community.

Educators are a key audience to foster buy-in for transformation through instructional coaching. By informing and involving educators, a sense of ownership is created among all school community members. Once that buy-in is created—developing a community with common goals—then the true development of a culture of change will set the stage for success!

Be aware that educators may be concerned that coaching is evaluative and judgmental. Leadership should assure all educators that coaching is a non-evaluative, relationship-building partnership that supports professional growth and promotes students’ academic achievements. Through presentations and ongoing communication, leaders pave the way for educators to embrace coaching.

Use PowerPoint to share the message

Design a collaborative PowerPoint presentation to present to and share with the education community—presenting either live or through Teams video meetings, a great way to reach a large number of teachers remotely.

PowerPoint includes the ability to provide captions and subtitles in a variety of languages, sharing the message clearly with those for whom English is not their first language. 

Visual presentations and concise communication with the community will help leaders set the stage for a shared endeavor supporting digital transformation and success.

Engage the audience with live presentations in PowerPoint-with translations!