

Before you troubleshoot the failure of a device driver, you need to understand the role of device drivers in Windows. A device driver is a small software program that allows a computer to communicate with its hardware or devices. A hardware device works only if its device driver is installed correctly and functions properly. Device drivers are specific to operating systems, and they run with system-wide privileges.

The failure of a device driver can render even the most sophisticated and expensive device useless. Malfunctioning device drivers can affect computer reliability and could stop the computer from operating properly. You should be able to use Windows tools to manage, diagnose, and troubleshoot device drivers.

This module focuses on troubleshooting problems that pertain to device drivers, including:

  • Disabling and removing device drivers.
  • Verifying driver signatures.
  • Installing or reinstalling drivers manually.
  • Viewing device details.
  • Restricting installation of specific devices.


After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the role and importance of device drivers.
  • Manage and troubleshoot device drivers.
  • Explain the difference between the staging and installation of device drivers.
  • Restrict installation of device drivers by using Group Policy.